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Alan Grayson: Letting the GOP control government is like letting Al Qaeda fly planes


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I don’t know whether to be offended or … puzzled. Is he accusing the GOP of wanting to destroy government or, per what he says before the AQ bit, of simply not wanting to be at the controls? Or does the mere mention of Republicans send him reaching reflexively for the most obnoxious analogy he can think of whether it makes sense or not?

We’ve reached the point with this guy where he’s so far beyond the pale that I don’t quite feel comfortable using him against the Democrats. Same with Olbermann, really. Sure, the fact that Pelosi et al. tolerate him proves that they’re total hypocrites about civility, but even the more acid-tongued lefties in the House concede that he’s a crank. Remember when Glenn Beck nemesis Anthony Weiner, who’s no stranger to confrontational soundbites himself, called Grayson “one fry short of a Happy Meal”? He’s a rolling embarrassment to their side, which is why I’m happy to promote him on the site, but it’s hard to come up with someone in the Dem caucus who relishes playing in the gutter as much as he does. Pete Stark, maybe?

Exit quotation from Jim Geraghty: “In the end, his term in Congress will be remembered as a two-year-long, taxpayer-funded audition tape for MSNBC.”




When the going gets tough, the crazy get crazier.:wacko:
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Here's Fox clip from this morning


"Alan Grayson Dem Florida District 8 must go"




James Traficant comes to mind.



Do you have a link to the HuffPo comment?

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