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Rasmussen: Blumenthal Tanks in Polls After Stolen Valor Presser


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Rasmussen: Blumenthal Tanks in Polls After Stolen Valor Presser
by Connie Hair

During an embarrassing press conference yesterday Richard Blumenthal, the leading Democratic candidate for the U.S. Senate from Connecticut, scolded others for his own misrepresentations of his service (or lack thereof) in country during the Vietnam War.

"On a few occasions, I have misspoken about my service and I take full responsibility," Blumenthal said of his stolen valor claims. "But I will not let anyone take a few misplaced words and impugn my record of service to our country."


Blumenthal, the current attorney general of the State of Connecticut, had his Perry Mason moment on the stand. He blew it. He’s caught red-handed exaggerating his service and has plummeted in the polls in the immediate aftermath of the New York Times revelations.

He did not apologize to veterans who served in harm’s way during Vietnam, but took the Clintonesque “I take full responsibility” route as if by saying those words he has somehow been held accountable for his actions.

He has not.

From Rasmussen:
The latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey of Likely Voters in Connecticut finds Blumenthal with just a three-point advantage over Linda McMahon, 48% to 45%. Two weeks ago, he led the former CEO of World Wrestling Entertainment by 13 percentage points. The New York Times story broke late Monday; the survey was taken Tuesday evening.

When matched against former GOP Congressman Rob Simmons, Blumenthal leads by 11 - 50% to 39%. Two weeks ago, the longtime state attorney general held a 23-point lead over Simmons.
GOP candidate Simmons is an actual Vietnam War veteran who served in country during the war.
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I'm sure the NYTimes did the "outing" as a preemptive action... rather than have it come out once he was the DEM nominee.

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I'm sure the NYTimes did the "outing" as a preemptive action... rather that have it come out once he was the DEM nominee.


Yes, NCTexan. That's a good theory on your part, and strategy on their part.




(But remember, he just misspoke a few times, and when he did it was just a word here or there out of order.)sarcasm

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Marine Force Recon Commander who fought in the Mekong Delta and has a collection of ears to prove it... well not exactly. :unsure:


But I did stay in a Holiday Inn Express last night! :D



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