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Specter: I could Have Easily Won as a Republican


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Washington Examiner:

Specter: I could have easily won as a Republican
Online Opinion Editor
05/17/10 1:11 PM EDT
Sen. Specter on CNN yesterday:

“Look here, I had a clear shot at re-election. If I had stayed with the obstructionist Republican caucus, I would have been re-elected easily, especially in an out-year when the party out of power is favored.”

If you're confused, you're not alone. This contrasts very sharply with what Specter said when he left the GOP in April 2009:

"In the course of the last several months ... I have traveled the state and surveyed the sentiments of the Republican Party in Pennsylvania and public opinion polls, observed other public opinion polls and have found that the prospects for winning a Republican primary are bleak."

To be fair, I think Specter's statement yesterday was meant to imply that, had he not voted for the stimulus package on February 9, 2009 (it received 61 votes for cloture, including his and Olympia Snowe's), he would not have faced a tough primary because Toomey would have opted instead to run for governor.

But I'm still aghast at the idea that Specter thinks he's some kind of martyr for his stimulus vote. At the time, Obama was wildly popular, Democrats were riding high, and opposition to the stimulus was not a popular position.

Moreover, the stimulus has been widely perceived as a failure. I understand that Specter wants to point to it as a Democratic bona fide, I don't think he'll be talking about it much after tomorrow if he wins his primary.
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What a detestable puke. He does not realize that he didn't join his old democrat party back, he stabbed freedom, the Constitution and joined a wave of socialists with a lying agenda that will stop at nothing bent into reforming this nation into Greece.

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Specter is an opportunist. He thought he would ride in on a wave of Obama change and hope. Unfortunately for him his opportunity was beached --BIG time. :gop: is :lmfao:



Specter is :censored:

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He has truly completed his morph into a mainstream DEM (small feat).


He totally believes that truth consists of the last words from his mouth... disregards that facts, his own words and actions live in perpetuity on line and in audio/video.


He forgets that not all of America are Kool-Aid drinking LIBs who follow unquestioningly.



](Soon-to-be) Ex Senator Specter... your sounding more than silly now.


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What a detestable puke. He does not realize that he didn't join his old democrat party back, he stabbed freedom, the Constitution and joined a wave of socialists with a lying agenda that will stop at nothing bent into reforming this nation into Greece.


Yes, but he's been doing it so long, he has established a pretty solid precedent.


I heard some dim (didn't catch who) today, and he said something to the effect that Specter voted for the stimulus, healthcare, and Sotomayer and even though it appears that he will loose the upcoming election, "we really got our money's worth from him". Talk about cynical, but I guess when it comes to specter, it fits.

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Specter: I could have easily won as a Republican


Won what?



I believe that would be: A$$HAT from the Great State of Pennsylvania!


No worries: Specter is soon to become a mere specter.

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Specter is an opportunist. He thought he would ride in on a wave of Obama change and hope. Unfortunately for him his opportunity was beached --BIG time. :gop: is :lmfao:



Specter is :censored:


110% Agree. I wouldn't put it past him to pull a crist and go Indie either. Three party switches in less than two years would have to be somekind of record though LOL!

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