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Trump’s enemies wrap themselves in the flag and claim to be the defenders of democracy, but even now, they are planning to undo his electoral victory if he succeeds.Without Massive Reform, a Trump Victory Will Be In Vain -


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American Greatness

It looks like Donald Trump is going to win. I always thought he would in a fair fight. But winning the election could prove to be a Pyrrhic victory if Trump does not take very specific steps to wrest control of the federal government from hostile elements in the permanent bureaucracy.


Setting aside who really won in 2020, no one disputes that Trump did win in 2016, but after that victory, he was still not allowed to govern. Instead, he was harried by the coordinated activities of entrenched interests. His naivete about the many backstabbers in the executive branch and within his own party further enhanced their ability to disrupt his first term.


Outright lies from the intelligence community gave birth to the “Russian Collusion” accusation, which permitted the Obama administration to spy directly on Trump’s campaign through secret warrants on key campaign personnel. This lie also gave birth to a distracting and invasive special counsel investigation, which concluded early on that no such collusion took place but dragged on for two years out of spite.

The fifth column extended beyond the intelligence community to ordinary bureaucrats, high-level military officers, and his own cabinet. Though duty-bound to follow his directives, these executive branch officials took it upon themselves to act as “checks and balances” on the president. They collectively forgot that the executive branch finds its sole source of authority in the elected president, from whom lower officials receive whatever authority they hold by delegation.



By the end, the people who were supposed to follow his orders were openly conspiring against him. They vaingloriously called themselves the #resistance, but they had more in common with the late Soviet Union’s KGB than anything else. That is, rather than being champions of democracy, these members of the anti-Trump resistance were simply defenders of the status quo and their various perks and privileges within it.


Taming the Bureaucracy

Trump’s presidency will have little permanent effect if he does not devote himself to the task of reform. The first order of business, as illustrated above, will be to take full charge of the bureaucracy. Loyal people, including many from outside of government, should be identified for key positions. This will be easier than the last time he was president, as there is something of a “bench” among those loyal appointees who acquitted themselves well during his first term.:snip:

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