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Candace Owens going full crazy...again


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At this Point, Candace Owens Should Grow Out the Rest of Her Mustache

In conservative circles, just a handful of pundits are our intellectual heavyweights: cerebral, highly educated geniuses like Thomas Sowell, Milton Friedman, Victor Davis Hanson, Russell Kirk, and William F. Buckley. You may agree or disagree with their opinions, but they were almost always based on sound reasoning, history, philosophy, and logic.


Beneath this tier, you have the one-trick-ponies (like me!) who have specialized knowledge about one or two topics, but lack the vast educational pedigree of the true luminaries. For example, I’m a PR expert. Ask me about PR and I can chew your ears off a la Mike Tyson — and when I do, you should pay close attention, because I know what the hell I’m talking about. Naturally, I also have opinions about history and politics, but I lack the depth of knowledge of a Sowell or a Hanson. I’m just a (fairly) smart guy who reads a lot and forms his own ideas, but I haven’t studied history on their level.

That doesn’t mean they’re always right and I’m always wrong. But it does mean that their opinions on history, politics, and economics are rooted in significantly more knowledge and context. So, their conclusions are derived from superior data.

Then, below the one-trick-ponies are the no-trick-ponies. These are the conservative commentators who lack the brains to ever be considered intellectuals, but also haven’t bothered to master any niche categories or skills, so they focus instead on being the snarkiest, edgiest voice on social media.:snip:

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Candace Owens began her journalism career by trying to profit from Trump-bashing: She was CEO of an online publication that conducted an “investigation” of Trump’s penis size (spoiler alert: It was deemed lacking), and she blasted conservatives in 2015 — less than ten years ago — claiming it was “good news” that the “Republican Tea Party… will eventually die off…”


*Only Candace Owens knows what’s in her heart

Learn something new everyday.

* To Be Famous, To Have People Talk About Her?

It certainly Looks That Way.



It’s Candace who knows nothing about Hitler, history, or anything else, as her language inadvertently exposed.




All I could take was 5-6 minutes of this.


Something I said about Tucker "Maybe there's a good reason to have editors?"


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My Letter to Candace Owens

On September 4, 2024, I sent this letter to Candace Owens regarding many comments she has made about Jews, Zionism and Israel. I have known Candace for about as long as she has been in public life. She began her podcasting at PragerU in 2019 and left in 2021. She left on very good terms. To this day, she often speaks of her respect and love for Marissa Streit, CEO of PragerU, and me.


Within hours of receiving my letter, Candace replied:


“I deeply appreciate this e-mail and I will respond to it thoroughly. Please know that I respect you tremendously and it is difficult for me to reconcile how I feel about you and Marissa and the amazing way in which I was treated by you both, and my new feelings and understanding about Zionism. Please give me a bit of time to respond to all of your points. You can always reach out to me and no matter which side of this or any political debate we wind up on, my love and respect for you and Marissa and your treatment of me will never be swayed.”


As it happens, more than two weeks later, Candace had not responded to the letter. Given the number of subjects covered, the letter’s length, and Candace’s busy family life and career, I did not expect her to. I sent it to Candace to give her the chance to respond and because I did not want her to first see it when it went public.


Last week, after not hearing from her, I emailed Candace that I would be publishing the letter. We then spoke on the phone, she briefly explained why she hadn’t been able to respond in writing, and she in no way objected to my making the letter public.


I wish I did not have to write this letter. But Candace has said many things that need to be answered. The primary reasons I have not spoken out sooner are that I needed to become fully acquainted with all or nearly all the things she has said about Jews, Zionism, and Israel, make sure I quoted her accurately, and that I never did so out of context. That was time-consuming work.


Click here to read the full 15 page letter

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