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The Democrats Have Turned on Dr. King. It's Time to Return the Favor | Excerpt - Tulsi Gabbard


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So-called progressives roll their eyes and summarily dismiss the sentiments that the Reverend King expressed. They see his dream as passé. They reject or ignore the truth that we are all children of God. They do not believe we are all created equal. They openly advocate for anti-white racism and insist that anyone who refuses to support their plan to turn Americans against one another is a racist himself. They believe we must judge each other by the color of our skin and segregate our society based on two classes: the oppressed (all people of color) and the oppressor (all white people).

It is astounding and deeply disturbing to see these influential leaders in the Democrat Party betraying the Reverend Martin Luther King Jr.'s dream, fomenting divisiveness and discrimination and hate based on race.

If things keep going on this way, we should not be surprised to see a rise in race-based violence in America.


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38 minutes ago, Geee said:


They reject or ignore the truth that we are all children of God. They do not believe we are all created equal.


And Therein Lies the problem. One of the RADICAL Ideas Christianity brought into the world. "There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus."

Paul To The Galatians

You go back to the Pre-Christian world (including Israel) and said Everyone is equal and should be treated equally, they would  have looked at you as if you were insane. This really does go against (Fallen) Human nature.

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