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Larry Hogan targets ‘open border’ Democrats and ‘status quo’ GOP for border crisis in new ad


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Washington Examiner

Former Maryland Gov. Larry Hogan wants voters to know that he believes there’s plenty of blame to go around for the surge of illegal immigration at the southern border

In his latest campaign ad, first seen by the Washington Examiner, the Maryland GOP Senate candidate condemns what he calls “open border Democrats” and “status quo Republicans” in Washington for failing to contain the crisis.


“Every day, Washington politicians let the border crisis continue and do nothing. They fail the American people,” the ad’s narrator says. “Open border Democrats and status quo Republicans are both to blame. We need commonsense leaders with the guts to get it done.”

The 30-second spot is part of Hogan’s broader $1 million ad campaign in the deep blue state that seeks to woo voters by touting the former two-term governor’s bipartisanship. Its release comes just one day before early voting begins in Maryland on Thursday and on the heels of a trip last week by Hogan to the U.S.-Mexico border.:snip:

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In new interview Trump details second-term plans for use of military in immigration enforcement, questions value of NATO

TRUMP: ‘I WOULD HAVE NO PROBLEM USING THE MILITARY’: In an extensive interview published in Time magazine yesterday, former President Donald Trump said one of the priorities of a second term would likely involve the use of National Guard troops to assist law enforcement in rounding up millions of immigrants who are in the country illegally for deportation.

“We will be using local law enforcement. And we will absolutely start with the criminals that are coming in,” Trump told Time’s National Politics Reporter Eric Cortellessa. Trump envisions a series of mass deportation camps that would require military support. “I think in terms of the National Guard. But if I thought things were getting out of control, I would have no problem using the military, per se,” Trump said. “We have to have safety in our country. We have to have law and order in our country. And whichever gets us there, but I think the National Guard will do the job.”:snip:

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