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Come Witness The Left’s Latest Trump Freakout


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‘How much should people freak out over Thursday’s SCOTUS oral arguments about Trump’s claims that he can’t be prosecuted for election crimes due to presidential immunity?” asked the Trump-hating Bulwark in a post last week.

Answer: How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?

The Bulwark itself showcases the freakout, with an article asserting that the Supreme Court handed “another decided win … for the dark forces that threaten to convert our system of government from a democratic republic ruled by the people into one in which unconstrained power could be lodged in a single, despotic man.”

Keep in mind that the only thing that happened last week was that both sides of this case made arguments before the Supreme Court about whether the president is immune from prosecution and if so to what extent? As some of the justices noted, this is a new question, and its ruling will have profound repercussions.


And so, the justices, as is their wont, asked tough questions of both sides. No decision has been made. No one knows how the Court will rule. And any conclusions drawn from those questions is 100% pure speculation.

But the left acted as though the justices, by not immediately ordering Trump hanged in the town square, were themselves guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors.

That Bulwark was, in fact, one of the more restrained reactions from the Trump-hating hordes whose desperation to prevent a free and open election has grown exponentially as Trump’s reelection prospects continue to improve.

Herewith is a sampling (emphasis added):

“The conservative jurists chose Trump. It will stand as one of the blackest days in Supreme Court history.” – The New Republic

“After so much speculation that these reasonable, rational jurists would surely dispose of this ridiculous case quickly and easily, Thursday delivered a morass of bad-faith hand-wringing on the right.” – Slate:snip:

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2 hours ago, Geee said:
Issues & Insights

‘How much should people freak out over Thursday’s SCOTUS oral arguments about Trump’s claims that he can’t be prosecuted for election crimes due to presidential immunity?” asked the Trump-hating Bulwark in a post last week.

Answer: How deep is the ocean? How high is the sky?

The Bulwark itself showcases the freakout, with an article asserting that the Supreme Court handed “another decided win … for the dark forces that threaten to convert our system of government from a democratic republic ruled by the people into one in which unconstrained power could be lodged in a single, despotic man.”


Keep in mind that the only thing that happened last week was that both sides of this case made arguments before the Supreme Court about whether the president is immune from prosecution and if so to what extent? As some of the justices noted, this is a new question, and its ruling will have profound repercussions.


Do These People (The Bulwark) Actually THINK!  :wallbash: OK, OK you don't like Donald Trump, I Get That. Have they ever asked themselves What Happens When Grand Pa Joe leaves The White House? Gosh, I wonder if it is possible there just might be Lawyers (Some) hired by Think Tanks/Right Leaning NGO's that are eagerly waiting to pounce on Everyone in this Administration And do to them what they have done to Trump Supporters? Particularly If Donald Trump Wins.

There is an old phase that comes to mind. Don't Get Mad..Get Even.



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