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Dirty Deeds Done in the Dark: Leftist Lawyers Caught Engaging in Attorney Misconduct


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Daily Signal

A scathing report by three federal judges on the “misconduct” of plaintiff lawyers in a challenge to Alabama’s ban on gender-transition medicine for minors illustrates something we learned a long time ago: Many on the far Left, including radical lawyers employed by self-proclaimed civil rights organizations, believe the ends always justify the means and that rules of ethics don’t apply to them.

The report is the result of an investigation into the lawyers who filed three related lawsuits—Walker v. Marshall, Ladinsky v. Ivey, and Eknes-Tucker v. Ivey—challenging Alabama’s Vulnerable Child Compassion and Protection Act in 2022. The state enacted the law that year to eliminate the use of experimental hormonal and surgical procedures on minors who experience discomfort with their biological sex.

The final report, issued by three judges representing each of the three federal court districts in Alabama, was initiated after Judge Liles C. Burke accused the lawyers of judge-shopping to get a particular judge they wanted assigned to the cases. Judge Burke called it “a particularly pernicious form of forum shopping” and “a practice that has the propensity to create the appearance of impropriety in the judicial system.”



The judges obtained sworn testimony from the 39 plaintiff lawyers who filed these lawsuits. After holding five hearings, they concluded “without reservation” that 11 of the lawyers in the Walker and Ladinsky lawsuits engaged in “misconduct” by attempting to “circumvent the random case-assignment procedures” of the Alabama federal courts.:snip:

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