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Soros nonprofit drops massive 8-figure donation to super PAC bankrolling left-wing groups


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Fox News

A nonprofit founded and funded by liberal billionaire George Soros funneled a massive eight-figure sum into a prominent liberal super PAC that bankrolls several left-wing groups, according to records reviewed by Fox News Digital.

Soros’ Fund for Policy Reform poured $60 million into the Democracy PAC in the first quarter of this year, which then funneled millions of dollars into top Democratic committees benefiting House and Senate races, along with other liberal groups, FEC records posted on Monday show.

Of the $21 million that Democracy PAC sent to a dozen left-wing groups, $8 million was evenly divided between a pair of top outside groups benefitting House and Senate Democrats, $2.5 million to Planned Parenthood, $2.5 million to BlackPAC and $1.8 million to American Bridge, a Democratic opposition research firm.

Democracy PAC also sent $500,000 to Americans for Contraception Victory and $1 million to the ColorOfChange PAC.


Color of Change has been among the most active groups advocating to defund the police. In 2021, they were at the forefront of the unsuccessful push to "dismantle" and replace the Minneapolis Police Department, an effort that was fueled by $500,000 from George Soros' Open Society Policy Center.

"We know that policing doesn't keep us safe, communities do," reads a Color of Change petition calling on supporters to demand their local officials start the defunding process. "Policing doesn't lead to thriving communities, investment does."

The $60 million figure was the second largest in the 2024 election cycle so far, eclipsed only by the $82.5 million a state-level super PAC gave to Never Back Down, the super PAC backing Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ ill-fated presidential campaign, Bloomberg reported.:snip:

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