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Twilight of patriotism is a prescription for national suicide


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Washington Times


I make a pilgrimage to the Concord Battlefield every year around April 19, the anniversary of the battle that marked the beginning of our War of Independence. I think of it as the place where America began.

Imagine my dismay on learning that the town of Concord, Massachusetts, is ashamed of its heritage.


In January, it removed three historical markers, which had been in place since 1930, that commemorated the founding of the Massachusetts Bay Colony 300 years earlier.



The move was based on a recommendation from its insane Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee, which judged that the signs “harmed indigenous people” — who make up 0.2% of Concord’s population.

This is virtue signaling at its worst. It’s an attempt to reconcile its professed multiculturalism with the reality that Concord is as diverse as the Beverly Hills Country Club.


The town is 82.3% White. The median household income is $184,086, compared with the national average of $74,500. In 2020, voters there went 5-to-1 for President Biden.

America’s hometown has turned its back on America. It is, in effect, saying that it’s better to bury history than offend the hypersensitive — in this case, not Native Americans but rich, guilt-ridden White liberals.


Sadly, Concord reflects a growing trend.

Increasingly, patriotism is out of fashion. According to the latest Gallup Poll, only 39% are “extremely proud” to be an American, compared with 65% in 2004. In a 1998 Wall Street Journal survey, 70% said patriotism was very important to them. Today, it’s 38%.

That’s why the military consistently fails to meet its recruitment goals. Last year, the Army missed its target by almost 25%.:snip:

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2 hours ago, Geee said:
Washington Times

Sadly, Concord reflects a growing trend.

Increasingly, patriotism is out of fashion. According to the latest Gallup Poll, only 39% are “extremely proud” to be an American, compared with 65% in 2004. In a 1998 Wall Street Journal survey, 70% said patriotism was very important to them. Today, it’s 38%.

That’s why the military consistently fails to meet its recruitment goals. Last year, the Army missed its target by almost 25%.:snip:

I wonder if that is more a reflection of people saying what they think they are supposed to say? That its The Cool Thing To Say.

Remember on Dec. 6 1941 America was Very Divided. By Dec. 8...not so much.


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 Seattle line dancing squad says they were booted from competition because their American flag shirts made crowd 'triggered and unsafe'
Paul Sacca
April 13, 2024


Members of a country line dance team said they were booted from a competition because their American flag-themed shirts made some people in the audience feel "triggered and unsafe."

Last weekend, the Borderline Dance squad was set to perform at the Emerald City Hoedown in Seattle, Washington. The dance group said they had been invited to dance at the competition for the past three years, but the pandemic prevented them from performing.

The Borderline Dance troupe stated in a Facebook post, "Dance teams work their boots off preparing for performances like these. Extra practices, babysitters, ferry rides, hours upon hours of practice and commute time and time away from their families. We all were very excited to perform for this event."

However, the country line dance squad said they were not welcome because of concerns over their American flag-themed uniforms.



What is worse is none of them are albino black transgender lesbian dwarfs!


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