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Joe Biden lies and lies and lies because he’s never had to pay any price


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Biden White House keeps telling whoppers, and even the legacy media has started to notice

President Joe Biden has long had a history of telling bizarre, incomprehensible narratives while attempting to relate to his audiences. He has also, repeatedly, reiterated long-debunked stories such as the nature of his son’s death, his alleged arrest as a civil rights marcher and even his claim to have been a truck driver.

But he and the White House have further taken to regularly misrepresenting statistics when discussing the performance of the U.S. economy, an issue on which he faces considerable scrutiny from the public and scores poorly in many polls.


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1 hour ago, Draggingtree said:

did somebody wake up ?

They have always known, but their job was to protect. Did someone give them the OK??? Hmmmmm. Just keep wondering if something is going to happen before the convention. Time will tell.

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People Have a Lot to Say When Biden Posts 'Letter' He Got From Two Little Girls

Joe Biden is very unpopular. He's not doing well in polls, and he isn't doing well campaigning. 

So, how can he possibly whip up any interest in his flagging campaign? 

He's just pulled out something that he's tried before: the highly questionable "letter" from a child. 

Previously, he (or the person posting from his X social media account) posted a letter that many thought was fake. 

In March 2023, Biden got a similar letter from "Charlotte" (another age-contemporary name with Joe) supposedly asking Biden to do something about pay for "ladies" not being "fair." Uh-huh, because that's what a little kid is busy thinking about. Not. Plus, it was a ridiculous Democratic talking point being emphasized at that time. 

Now, people decided to have a little Friday fun with Joe Biden. They had a lot to say again regarding a post Biden made about a letter supposedly from two little girls, aged 10 and 8. :snip:

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President Joe Biden delivered a bleak commencement address this weekend, characterizing America as a racist place that does not love black people.

Biden gave a commencement speech at Morehouse College in Atlanta on Sunday where he appeared to characterize America in the harshest light in terms of race relations.


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On Cue, Biden Is Lying About Republicans and Elections

We are all quite aware that the Democrats struggle with the truth. It's been that way throughout my long life as a political activist. They're not very creative about it either. They've had cover from their flying monkeys in the mainstream media for so long that they never really had to be crafty when spewing untruths. 

They've gotten even worse since 2016, and the current alleged chief executive officer of the United States of America is the biggest liar of them all. He gets away with repeating stories that are full of chronological impossibilities and not one member of the press points it out. On the other hand, entire teams of reporters are dispatched to fact-check what Donald Trump said he had for lunch.

But enough about Joe Biden and his personal catalog of prevarication. He's also had over half of a century peddling the Democratic Party's official laundry list of lies about Republicans. 

President LOLEightyonemillion spent the weekend pandering to Black voters, trotting out the ages-old nonsense about Republicans that they use to frighten their base. Rick wrote about Biden's speech last Friday that got the Scary Republican Weekend rolling: 

Joe Biden spoke on Friday at the National Museum of African American History and Culture to an audience largely made up of older black voters and raised the specter of segregationists hoping to stampede black voters to vote for him.:snip:

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Fact Check: Biden Claims He Was ‘Appointed’ to Naval Academy, Roger Staubach Prevented Him from Attending

CLAIM: President Joe Biden claimed during a commencement speech at the United States Military Academy West Point that he turned down an offer to play football at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.


Biden has previously told different versions of this claim to graduates at the U.S. Naval Academy and the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado.

In his claim, Biden says he applied to the Naval Academy in order to play football. He was appointed to the Naval Academy by former Delaware Sen. J. Caleb Boggs (R) in 1965. However, the president graduated from the University of Delaware in 1965, which makes it unlikely he would have applied to attend the Naval Academy then.

Biden continues to claim that he turned down the offer after finding out that NFL Heisman Trophy winners Joe Bellino and Staubach were playing on the U.S. Naval Academy football team then.unlikely he would have applied to attend the Naval Academy then.

Another issue with this claim is that Staubach graduated from the U.S. Naval Academy in 1964, while Bellino graduated in 1961, Fox News reported.

“I was one of ten. I wanted to play football,” Biden told the graduates. “And, the day that I was supposed to go down for the interview, a classmate of mine who was also one of the ten appointed to be chosen from, named Steve Dunning, came to pick me up.”:snip:


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On 5/26/2024 at 5:39 AM, Geee said:

Fact Check: Biden Claims He Was ‘Appointed’ to Naval Academy, Roger Staubach Prevented Him from Attending

CLAIM: President Joe Biden claimed during a commencement speech at the United States Military Academy West Point that he turned down an offer to play football at the U.S. Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland.


43 minutes ago, Geee said:



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Fact Check: Biden Campaign Repeats Lie That Trump Tear-Gassed Protesters to Clear Park for Bible Photo-Op

CLAIM: The Biden campaign is repeating a lie that former President Donald Trump tear-gassed peaceful protesters gathered outside of the White House in Lafayette Square for a photo-op.

VERDICT: FALSE. This has been debunked countless times and has been proven false. The inspector general of the U.S. Department of Interior released a report in June 2021 that exonerated Trump from claims that he had tear-gassed peaceful protesters gathered in Lafayette Square in June 2020 to walk through the park to have a photo-op at St. John’s Episcopal Church.


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Wait - Who's Lying? Jonathan Turley Flips 'Blatant Lie' Charge Against Fox Host Back on Biden Campaign


In a column titled "'A Blatant Lie': The Biden Campaign Falsely Accuses Fox's John Roberts of Lying About the Insulin Caps," Turley brilliantly began: 

Winston Churchill once said that “A lie gets halfway around the world before the truth has a chance to get its pants on.” It often seems like the Biden White House and campaign has embraced that warning as an operating principle. 

The most recent target was the veteran Fox news anchor John Roberts, who was accused of airing “a blatant lie” in questioning Biden’s claim that he was the first president to push through a cap of $35 on insulin treatments. Roberts was entirely correct, but the campaign has still not removed the false attack on his integrity and accuracy.


So why hasn't the Biden campaign removed the false attack? 

Simple answer: Because Democrats don't give a damn about facts that run counter to their lies or overall narratives. Why not? Because they don't play to those among us who call out for their various crocks of crap; they only care about – and count on – low-information rank-and-file Democrat voters who swallow their nonsense, hook, line, and sinker, without question.


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1 hour ago, Geee said:

Wait - Who's Lying? Jonathan Turley Flips 'Blatant Lie' Charge Against Fox Host Back on Biden Campaign

So why hasn't the Biden campaign removed the false attack? 

Simple answer: Because Democrats don't give a damn about facts that run counter to their lies or overall narratives. Why not? Because they don't play to those among us who call out for their various crocks of crap; they only care about – and count on – low-information rank-and-file Democrat voters who swallow their nonsense, hook, line, and sinker, without question.


Its not just The Biden administration. Corporate media in general.

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Dave Rubin of "The Rubin Report" talks to Fox News’ Jesse Watters about the grilling that Merrick Garland got from Matt Gaetz and Jim Jordan about the revelation that the classified documents that Trump had were tampered with to frame Trump in the most negative light possible as well as his connections to Alvin Bragg.

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Biden Claims He Knew Putin 40 Years Ago—When He Was Undercover KGB Agent

President Joe Biden claimed in an interview Thursday that he has known Vladimir Putin "for over 40 years"—meaning they would have met when Putin was serving as an undercover KGB officer.


"I’ve known him for over 40 years. He’s concerned me for 40 years. He’s not a decent man—he’s a dictator and he’s struggling to make sure he holds his country together while still keeping this assault going," Biden told ABC News anchor David Muir during an interview in France on the anniversary of D-Day.

It is highly unlikely that Biden, then a Delaware senator, would have known Putin in the early to mid 1980s. Putin, who worked for the Soviet intelligence service from 1975 until 1991, was serving as an undercover agent at the time, on assignment in East Germany and, allegedly, in Singapore and New Zealand.

Putin "had never been a public figure" until he was chosen by then-Russian president Boris Yeltsin as prime minister in 1999, according to a Washington Post article written in 2000.:snip:

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Biden Loves to Tell Tall Tales. We Cut Them Down to Size. ( This from the NYT !!!!!)

In President Biden’s telling, he was a teenage civil rights activist, a former trucker, the first in his family to go college and the nephew of a cannibalism victim.

All of these claims stretch the truth or are downright false. But Mr. Biden persists in telling personal tales with rhetorical flourishes and factual liberty when he works a room or regales an audience. They are a way to connect with voters, emphasize his “middle-class Joe” persona and charm his audience.

Despite Mr. Biden’s penchant for exaggerating details when recounting episodes from his life, these autobiographical embellishments differ in scale and significance from the stream of lies about a stolen election peddled by his opponent, former President Donald J. Trump.

A White House spokesman, Andrew Bates, said that Mr. Biden had “brought honesty and integrity back to the White House” and that he shared life experiences that had shaped his outlook.


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Team Trump Demands Biden Stop Peddling Charlottesville Lie After Snopes Debunked It

As RedState’s Bonchie reported Sunday, the fact-checking site Snopes for reasons known only to themselves decided now would be a good time to debunk the myth that then-President Donald Trump called neo-Nazis and white supremacists “fine people” in Charlottesville, VA, in 2017.


Of course, anyone who pays attention to news sources other than the New York Times and MSNBC has known all along that Trump’s quote was bastardized to make it sound like he said something he didn’t actually say, but the mainstream media and the Biden team has run with the falsehood for years now.:snip:

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15 Lies Biden Told During His ‘Big Boy’ Press Conference

Seeking to assuage concerns among Democrats that he’s mentally incapable of taking on Donald Trump this November, Joe Biden held a “big boy” press conference during Thursday’s NATO summit — and did it not disappoint.

Not content to just step on his own tongue more than once, the president spewed some of the most outrageous mistruths of his presidency (so far). From claiming Trump is his vice president to rewriting history on Afghanistan, the lies were almost nonstop.


1. Rising Prices

Biden claimed that “overall prices fell last month.”

That statement is false. According to PBS News, “Wholesale prices in the United States rose by a larger-than-expected 2.6 percent last month from a year earlier.”

2. ‘Vice President Trump’

Biden falsely claimed that he picked Donald Trump as his vice president.

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be vice president [if I didn’t] think she was not qualified to be president,” the Delaware Democrat said.


Biden picked Kamala Harris, not Trump, to be his vice president.

3. Zelensky or Putin?

When confronted by a reporter on a moment from earlier in the day when he mistakenly referred to Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenksy as Russia’s Vladimir Putin, Biden claimed, “I said, ‘No, I’m sorry, Zelensky.’ And then I added five other names.”

Even anti-truth CNN admitted this did not occur.

4. Debate Performance

Biden blamed his travel schedule as the cause for his poor debate performance against Trump.

“The next debate, I’m not going to be traveling 15 time zones a week before. Anyway. That’s what it was about,” the president said.

Contrary to his claim, Biden did not travel through 15 time zones a week before the debate. The president returned from his overseas Europe trip on June 15 and spent the week before the debate prepping at Camp David.

5. Trump’s NATO Comments

Biden distorted comments about NATO Trump issued at a recent rally in Florida.

“I think he said at one of his rallies, don’t hold me to this, recently, where, ‘NATO — I just learned about NATO,’ or something to that effect. Foreign policy’s never been his strong point,” the president claimedThat characterization is false. When describing his mindset prior to his first NATO summit in 2017, Trump said, “I didn’t want to be obnoxious because I felt, you know, it was the first time I’d ever done this. I went; I didn’t even know what the hell NATO was too much before, but it didn’t take me long to figure it out. Like about two minutes. And the first thing I figured out was they weren’t paying.”:snip:

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