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Media tries to make police look bad in Chicago teen shooting, but video reveals the OPPOSITE (Here We Go Again)


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The Right Scoop

Apr.  11 2024

It’s an election year and the media is once again trying to make law enforcement the villain in the shooting death of a black teen in Chicago. Libs of TikTok suggests they are trying to make it another George Floyd.

The shooting happened in March but here’s a video from yesterday where the mother is doing her part:

“Mother of Dexter Reed, who was fatally shot after shooting a police officer during traffic stop:”He was just riding around in his car and they killed him.””



So what really happened? Chicago police pulled over Reed in a traffic stop over a seat belt and Reed refused to comply by rolling his window down and then began firing at officers, who then returned fire:



He was a convicted Felon which means (I believe) he is not allowed to have a firearm. 

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Apr 11, 2024

Megyn Kelly is joined by legal experts Viva Frei, Rumble creator, and Phil Holloway, host of "Inside The Law," to discuss the latest officer-involved shooting of Dexter Reed in Chicago, the bodycam footage showing the events leading up to the initial gunfire, the media spin on the incident so far, and more.

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Berg’s Eighteenth Law of Media Latency: Nothing the media writes/says about any emotionally charged event – a mass shooting, a police shooting, anything – should be taken seriously for 48 hours after the original incident. It will largely be rubbish, as media outlets vie to “scoop” each other even on incorrect facts

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Dave Rubin of “The Rubin Report” shares a DM clip of mainstream media leaving out vital details of the Chicago police shooting of Dexter Reed that change the narrative completely.

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