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Biden Admin to Announce Largest Relief Program for Millions of Illegal Immigrants

The Biden Administration is reportedly planning to announce a new amnesty plan that would allow illegal immigrants to obtain legal status if they are married to U.S. citizens.


What will be one of the largest immigration relief programs in recent history, over a million illegal aliens would protected from deportation and given work permits as long as they have lived in the U.S. for at least ten years— all they have to do is marry a U.S. citizen.

Known as the “Parole in Place,” the plan is the Democrat Party’s latest move to secure votes ahead of the November election.

The plan would also create a way for permanent legal status and U.S. citizenship for beneficiaries by removing red tape in U.S. law that currently prevents illegal immigrants from obtaining green cards without leaving the country.

In addition, the Biden Administration is peddling another scheme that involves Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA).

The proposal would streamline the process for DACA recipients and other illegal immigrants so that they can request waivers and make it easier for them to obtain temporary visas, according to CBS News. :snip:

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Chinese ‘Cyber Police’ Agent Runs Online Network Helping Illegal Immigrants Flood Into US

A private social network run by a self-identified Chinese government agent provides illegal immigrants with resources to get into the U.S. and evade border authorities, a Daily Caller News Foundation investigation discovered.

The American Self-Guided Tour Channel is a Chinese-language group with over 8,000 members on the encrypted instant messaging platform Telegram that serves as both a forum for discussing Chinese illegal immigration and a hub for documents detailing specific routes to the U.S., a DCNF review of the channel found.


Documents in the Telegram channel translated by the DCNF identify U.S. border wall gaps, instruct Chinese nationals on how to answer questions from Border Patrol agents and provide scripts for requesting asylum.  

Furthermore, the channel is overseen by an individual who spreads Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda, bans accounts who fail to toe the Party line and identifies himself as a Chinese police officer.:snip:

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NYC Illegal Charged With Sexually Assaulting Girl, 13, Held At ‘Machete’ Point

An Ecuadorian migrant is in custody after a 13-year-old girl was sexually assaulted in a secluded part of a vast Queens park, according to sources.

The migrant, who sources believe entered the country in 2021, was taken into police custody early Tuesday — five days after the girl and a 13-year-old boy were held at knifepoint with a “machete-style” blade in the sickening, broad-daylight attack inside Kissena Park on Thursday afternoon.

The bust comes after the NYPD blasted out images and footage of the young man they were looking for on Monday night. The department was also offering a $10,000 award for information leading to an arrest.:snip:

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In first five years, 79,000 of DACA recipients admitted to U.S. had arrest records

Within five years of a new program created to prevent deportation of minors brought into the country illegally by their parents, nearly 80,000 were released into the U.S. with arrest records. The majority were between the ages of 19 and 22 when they were arrested, according to the latest available data published by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS).

President Joe Biden on Tuesday announced he was expanding deportation protections and job opportunities for recipients of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program created by executive order by former president Barack Obama in 2012.:snip:

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Hundreds of migrants from ISIS hotbed country have crossed US border under Biden

The number of migrants flocking to the US-Mexico border from a country known as a hotbed of ISIS recruitment has skyrocketed under President Biden.

More than 1,500 migrants from Tajikistan are known to have crossed the border between October 2020 and May 2024, according to leaked border dated obtained by The Post.

At least 500 Tajiks have been caught so far this year.

Over the previous 14 years there were just 26 Tajik nationals crossing the border.:snip:

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Joe Biden’s Parole Pipeline Imports One Migrant for Every Three U.S. Births

President Joe Biden’s parole pipeline has brought more than a million foreign nationals to the United States since its inception in January 2023. Through this pipeline, alone, the administration is importing about one migrant for every three American births.

On Thursday, the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) released figures for May, showing Biden’s parole pipeline is continuing to release tens of thousands of foreign nationals into the U.S. interior via the southern border and commercial flights every month.:snip:

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Massachusetts spending $5,400 monthly per room for migrants, overwhelming small towns and cities outside of Boston

A former hotel outside of Boston that has since been turned into a migrant shelter has come under scrutiny after it was discovered that the commonwealth of Massachusetts is paying the hotel $5,400 a month per room to house migrants. Citizens of Massachusetts are getting increasingly angry as migrants begin to overwhelm small cities and towns outside of Boston. 

A former Fairfield Inn hotel, located in Dedham, about 30 minutes outside of Boston, currently has all 149 rooms of the hotel filled with migrants. During an investigation into state contracts with these hotels, it was discovered that these rooms which were previously rented out for $129 per month, are now being rented for $180, or $5,400 per month for a room— without a kitchen. :snip:

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Another report says CBP, ICE not detaining, removing inadmissibles flying into country

The Office of the Inspector General of the U.S. Department of Homeland Security has issued another report identifying ongoing problems with U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) processes. 

A regional CBP and ICE detention and removal processes were ineffective at one major international airport, the OIG audit found. The report redacts the name and location of the airport and CBP and ICE regional offices.

Between fiscal years 2021 and 2023, the report found CBP agents at this airport released at least 383 inadmissible travelers from custody into the U.S. who, under the law, are prohibited from entering the country. Instead of detaining and processing them for removal, they were released and ordered to return to be removed on their own recognizance; 168 (44%) of them didn't return for their removal flights.:snip:

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Reliable data on gang crimes lacking

As the effects of the border crisis ripple throughout the nation, concern grows over increased transnational organized crime, in Pennsylvania and beyond.

Those subjective fears have been amplified in the wake of the Biden administration's recent executive order granting a legal pathway to citizenship for spouses of U.S. residents and their children living in the country for a decade or more.

For many, lacking transparency and centralized data collection to accurately document crimes compounds the issue.

Philadelphia Police Commissioner Kevin Bethel said during a June 3 news conference that there are “well over hundreds” of neighborhood gang sets operating in the city, which includes domestic groups. :snip:

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MSNBC Host Scolds Guests for Saying ‘Illegal’ Immigrants: ‘We Don’t Use the Term’ (VIDEO)

Symone Sanders, who used to work for the office of VP Kamala Harris and now has her own MSNBC show for some reason, recently snapped at her guests and scolded them for using the term ‘illegal’ immigrants.

They were discussing the recent murder of Americans by people in the country illegally, but the real concern for Sanders seemed not to be the victims. She was far more offended by the word ‘illegal’ when used to accurately describe illegal immigrants.

This is leftism in a nutshell.


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Latest fallout from Biden’s border madness: ‘VIP’ smuggling tunnel terror

Sneaking migrants into the United States via dank drainage tunnels has become so lucrative that Mexican cartels have actually shifted their main business from drug-trafficking to human-smuggling — with one reportedly bringing in 1,000 migrants a month, per a new report from USA Today.

Chalk it up as yet more fallout from President Biden’s broken border policies.

The cartels offer VIP “travel agency” packages that include passage through tunnels between Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, and El Paso, Texas.

The fee: from $6,000 to $15,000, per US and Mexican law-enforcement officials and migrants themselves.

One migrant smuggler says Chinese migrants pay up to $75,000.


No wonder so-called VIP smuggling now accounts for 70% of cartels’ criminal activity.:snip:

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30 Tons of Fentanyl Has Crossed U.S. Border Under Joe Biden's Presidency

:snip: "The United States is facing a poisoning epidemic caused by fentanyl and its related substances that are pouring over our southern border. Last year, more than 100,000 Americans died of a drug overdose or poisoning, with 70,000 dying from fentanyl or its analogs. President Biden’s own officials confirmed these substances are coming across the Southern Border. President Biden’s assertion that there are “more important things going on” than the border crisis is misguided and offensive. Via Energy and Commerce. "



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Illegal border crossings at northern border continue to break records

Illegal border crossings at the northern border continue to break records, according to the latest data released by U.S. Customs and Border Protection.

In May, 18,644 foreign nationals were apprehended illegally entering the U.S. at the northern border, the highest total for the month of May in recorded history.

The northern border has seen the highest number of illegal entries in U.S. history under the Biden administration, The Center Square has reported.

In the first eight months of fiscal 2024, more than 99,000 were apprehended after illegally entering through the northern border, according to CBP data. If the current trajectory continues, the numbers are on track to surpass fiscal 2023 apprehensions of 147,666.:snip:

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Republicans: Why are illegal borders crossers with terrorist ties being released?

 A group of 21 Republican U.S. senators, led by Sen. Ted Budd, R-NC, are demanding answers from Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas about federal agents releasing illegal border crossers into the U.S. who weren’t properly vetted and were later discovered to have alleged terrorist connections.

They sent a letter to Mayorkas and FBI Director Christopher Wray after the U.S. House Intelligence Committee chairman and a retired CIA director raised warnings about potential terrorist attacks happening on U.S. soil before the end of the year, The Center Square reported.

“President Biden is derelict in his duty to protect and defend our country,” Budd said. “These incidents highlight the extreme national security risks posed by the open southern border. We need to expose what happened here, and make sure it never happens again. We need to secure the border and stop the chaos.”:snip:

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Prosecutors Accuse Illegal Alien, Freed into U.S. by Biden’s DHS, of Murdering Girl on Her 21st Birthday

An illegal alien, released into the United States by President Joe Biden’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS), has been accused of murdering a young woman on her twenty-first birthday in the sanctuary state of New York, prosecutors say.

Jhon Moises Chacaguasay-Ilbis, a 21-year-old illegal alien from Ecuador, was arrested in Syracuse, New York, and charged with second-degree murder and concealing a human corpse.:snip:

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