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Over A Quarter Of Gen Z Now Say They’re Queer: POLL


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Daily Caller

Over 25% of Americans born between 1997 and 2012 identify as LGBTQ, significantly higher than previous generations, according to a Tuesday poll from the Public Religion Research Institute.

The poll found that nearly 50% of Gen Z are more likely to identify as liberal and tend to be less religious than their millennial, Gen X or baby boomer counterparts. Meanwhile, 28% of Gen Z consider themselves LGBTQ, compared to only 16% of millennials, 7% of Gen X and a mere 4% of baby boomers.

Gen Z was also more likely to identify as “liberal” at 43%, with one out of six of the generation now eligible to vote, according to the poll. The poll respondents said that 31% of them identified as Democrats, 30% as Independents and only 21% claimed to be Republicans.:snip:

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So you want to jump out your trick bag
And ease on into a hip bag
But you ain't just exactly sure what's hip
So you start to let your hair grow
Spend big bucks to cop you a wardrobe
But somehow you know there's much more to the trip


You done even went and found you a guru
In your effort to find you a new you
And maybe even managed
To raise your conscious level
As you striving to find the right road
There's one thing you should know
What's hip today
Might become passe

Emilio Castillo / John David Garibaldi / Stephen M Kupka


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