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U.S. Intelligence Officials See Potential Hezbollah Attack Against Americans Overseas and At Home (It Must Be Said..Or Not)


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The Foreign Desk News

Elliot Nazar

January 12, 2024

On Thursday, United States officials revealed that they are looking at a rising risk of Iran-backed Lebanese Hezbollah terrorist fighters striking Americans in the Middle East and even potentially hit inside the U.S. homeland.

Officials believe the Iran-backed group would most likely target American personnel in the Middle East first. Officials also added that intelligence agencies are gathering data on Hezbollah that shows it could be considering attacks on American troops in the region or diplomatic personnel.

“Hezbollah could draw on the capability they have to put people [in] places to do something,” a U.S. intelligence official told Politico. The same official referred to a potential attack on American soil. “It is something to be worried about.”

Officials declined to talk about the specific kind of attacks Hezbollah could take.

“Cancers left untreated spread. Hezbollah declared war on America in 1983,” explained Michael Rubin, a senior fellow at the American Enterprise Institute (AEI), where he specializes in Iran, Turkey, and the broader Middle East.

“The United States should have erased the group from the face of the earth then,” he said.

“That it has repeatedly let the group grow and signed off on nod-and-wink false U.N. promises to prevent the group’s rearmament is a stain on both Democratic and Republican administrations,” Rubin added.

Josh Block, an adjunct fellow at Hudson Institute and foreign policy scholar and political strategist, noted that Iran and its terrorist army Hezbollah have “killed more Americans than anyone but al Qaeda.”


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