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Joe Biden’s Silent Insurrection


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According to early reports, December was the worst month on record for illegal immigration, with more than 300,000 border crossings – capping off what was by far the worst year on record in 2023. While Joe Biden and his media allies continue to ignore this crisis and insist that Republicans are all “insurrectionists,” these numbers again make clear that the real insurrection threatening the country is happening at the southern border every day and is a direct result of Biden’s policies.

In total, there were more than 3.2 million illegal border crossings in FY2023, which ended in September – easily surpassing FY2022 for the most ever. And of course, that number only accounts for those who were caught and apprehended by border officials. By some estimates, there have been more than 5 million “gotaways” since Joe Biden took office, among them untold numbers of terrorists, drug dealers, and human traffickers.

The news about December’s border numbers comes on the heels of the release of November’s statistics, which the Biden administration quietly posted the Friday before Christmas – raising significant questions about Biden’s willingness to own the consequences of his disastrous border policies and take responsibility for the crises he is actively causing in American communities.

“By strategically holding the release of these numbers until the Friday before Christmas, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas is unabashedly showing the full measure of his duplicity. These numbers are so bad, he wants as few Americans to see them as possible,” said Rep. Mark Green (R-TN), Chairman of the Committee on Homeland Security, in a press release.

Although the December numbers won’t be official until later this month, this time the Biden administration won’t have a major holiday to bury the news. With even Democrat mayors of “sanctuary cities” now feeling the pressure of a surge in migrants and publicly voicing their concerns, Biden is now facing criticism from both parties with the 2024 election looming – although the media has remained shamefully silent.

Despite inheriting the most secure border on record from former President Donald Trump, in a matter of mere months, Joe Biden singlehandedly and deliberately created the conditions for a crisis of previously unimaginable proportions.

Immediately upon entering office, Biden reversed nearly every policy that secured the border during the Trump years—including border wall construction, deportations, and “Remain in Mexico” (which ended the practice of “catch and release” and forced illegal aliens to wait for their court hearings in their country of origin). Biden also mandated a functional shutdown of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE)—going so far as to implement what the administration calls “protected areas” which ICE is not permitted to enter.

Given the unprecedented scale of the invasion on our southern border, conservative leaders have increasingly discussed policy solutions that would likely require an invocation of the 1807 Insurrection Act to stave off further disaster.:snip:

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