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The Dark Truth About Kwanzaa


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Kamala Harris likes to play pretend. Fortunately for her, there's no better performance of make-believe than the cultural charade that is Kwanzaa. And since it's politically advantageous to do so, Kamala the Chameleon purports to be a lifelong celebrant of Kwanzaa.

For years, Kamala has told tall tales of cherished age-old Kwanzaa traditions in the Harris household. She has repeatedly claimed to nostalgically recall fond childhood memories of multi-generational Kwanzaa celebrations led by "the elders"® sharing stories of yore and lighting candles on the "kinara," a knock-off menorah. (The first "kinara" was forged from a desecrated Jewish menorah, in which two openings were broken off to create a seven-ring candleholder.) Everyone sang kumbaya, yada yada.


It sounds like a shoo-in Harvard application essay, except for the fact that Kamala pre-dates Kwanzaa.

Although we're led to believe there's something sacred about Kwanzaa—as if there's an ancient aura attached to its origins—Kwanzaa wasn't contrived until 1966 and didn't even exist when Kamala was born two years before in 1964.

So, it's pretty hard to fathom chronologically that the newly fabricated festivities were one of Kamala's "favorite" recollections of her youth, especially since she spent her adolescence in Canada, where Kwanzaa wasn't widely spread (despite the dishonest media attempts to portray the little-observed "holiday" as a worldwide phenomenon.):snip:

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