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RFK Jr. Executes Perfect Takedown of Sniveling Anti-Israel Host, 'Should Have Resigned in Disgrace'


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Robert F. Kennedy Jr. faced off against Kyrstal Ball on her "Breaking Points" YouTube show on Monday, leading to a fiery exchange that the former won decisively. 

With all the knowledge of your average TikTok pro-Hamas supporter, Ball threw out talking point after talking point while Kennedy expertly took them apart. By the end of it, she was so flustered that she was trying to change the subject. 

KENNEDY: Hamas is a criminal enterprise. 

BALL: Sure. 

KENNEDY: The Palestinians, and you talk about solutions for the Palestinians are arguably the most pampered people by international aid organizations in history. 

BALL: Are you kidding me? Even before this war 78 percent of people in Gaza said they had, you know, not enough to eat. 

KENNEDY: Why do you blame that on Israel?

BALL: In part, it's Hamas. In part it's the fact that Israel imposed a blockade and talked about "putting them on a diet." 

KENNEDY: If your neighbor, first of all, Israel has no obligation. Israel built 3,000 hot houses and gave them for greenhouses. That would have made Gaza completely food self-sufficient. Gave it to them and offered to rebuild the Port of Gaza to make it the Singapore of the West. Hamas said no, we don't want Jew money, we don't want Jew ideas. 

And what do they do? The international aid agencies have given Hamas, have given Gaza, more than 10 times per capita than what we gave to all of Europe after the Marshall Plan. They've gotten $8,300 per capita, for every person in Gaza. We rebuilt Europe with $621 per capita, in Europe, and we rebuilt it. What did they do with that money? Instead of using it to make this, Gaza is this beautiful country, with white sand beaches, it should be a paradise. Hamas says we don't want that. They take virtually all that money, and they steal it so the top five guys, the top five leaders of Hamas are billionaires. 

BALL: But Bobby, again, no one here is defending Hamas.

KENNEDY: Let me just finish, no, you are making a statement that is just wrong. It is not Israel's fault that Gaza is poverty-stricken. Gaza should be one of the wealthiest states on the face of the planet. 

BALL: They have no control over their own territory (crosstalk) Israel controls everything that (crosstalk)

KENNEDY: No, if you go to war, why do you insist on blaming Israel instead of Hamas?:snip:

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29 minutes ago, Geee said:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. faced off against Kyrstal Ball on her "Breaking Points" YouTube show on Monday, leading to a fiery exchange that the former won decisively. 

With all the knowledge of your average TikTok pro-Hamas supporter, Ball threw out talking point after talking point while Kennedy expertly took them apart. By the end of it, she was so flustered that she was trying to change the subject.

They have knowledge? I'm gonna need  some examples of this Knowledge.

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Here is The Problem from  The Clown News Network


No one is asking WHY.  Why is the IDF doing this? Did Bibi Netanyahu just decide to bomb the crap out of Gaza and kill a bunch of Palestinians, because he felt like it?


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