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Newsom to DeSantis: ‘Neither of Us Will Be the Nominee for Our Party in 2024’


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Governor Gavin Newsom (D-CA) said Thursday on FNC’s “Hannity” during a debate with Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) that neither of them will be their party’s presidential nominee in 2024.

Newsom said, “I’ll tell you why I’m here. I’m here to tell the truth about the Biden-Harris record and also compare and contrast Ron DeSantis’ record and the Republican Party’s record as a point of contrast that’s as different as daylight and darkness.”

He continued, “You want to bring us back to a pre-1960s world — America in reverse. You want to roll back hard-earned national rights, on voting rights, on civil rights, on LGBTQ rights, on women’s rights, not just access to abortion, but also access to contraception. You want to weaponize grievance. You are focusing on false separateness. You, in particular, Ron, are on a banning binge, a cultural purge, intimidating and humiliating people you disagree with. You and President Trump are really trying to light democracy on fire.”

Newsom concluded, “So Sean, there are profound differences tonight, and I look forward to engaging them, but there’s one thing, in closing, that we have in common, is neither of us will be the nominee for our party in 2024.”:snip:

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‘You Don’t Wanna Answer’: Hannity Calls Out Gavin Newsom For Dodging California Exodus Question Twice

Fox Host Sean Hannity called out Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom for dodging questions about California’s mass exodus from the state during a debate Thursday on Fox News.

Newsom and Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis appeared on “Hannity” to debate red and blue state policies. Hannity began by asking the two governors their thoughts on why Californians have fled the state.


Hannity cited graphs from the U.S. Census Bureau which depicted State-To-State Migration Flows from 2021 – 2022. However, Newsom was unable to answer the question directly and in a second attempt tried shifting over to crime policies before Hannity called out the California governor.  

“Governor, wait a minute,” Hannity stated. 

“He said a lot of things that were factually untrue, including that 50-year crime low which his own law enforcement team said he should not be using,” Newsom responded.


“You have yet to address the issue — I asked you twice, you don’t wanna answer it,” Hannity pushed back.

“But the issue of why the migration out of red states — I’m sorry out of blue states into red states.”:snip:

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Red vs Blue State Debate highlights: Top 5 moments from the DeSantis, Newsom slugfest

The Fox News debate between Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom and Republican Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis had several tense moments as the two governors clashed over policies related to abortion, crime, taxes and COVID-19.


The first-of-its-kind showdown hosted by Fox News' Sean Hannity put a spotlight on various areas of disagreement between Newsom and DeSantis. The two governors have sought to tackle key issues facing their states with divergent approaches.

Here are five of the most memorable moments from the debate.

1. DeSantis confronts Newsom with sexually-explicit children's book

During an exchange about Florida's laws prohibiting certain sexually-explicit books in schools, DeSantis defended his actions by showing Newsom images of one of the books banned.



"This is a book that's in some of the schools in California — in Florida, it's not consistent with our standards — it's called 'Genderqueer.' Some of it's blacked out. You probably would not be able to put this on air," DeSantis remarked. 

"This is pornography. It's cartoons. It's aimed at children and it's wrong," he continued. "So, this should not be in schools. When people on the left say that somehow you are ‘banning books’ by removing this from a young kid's classroom — this is not age appropriate."

He added he would pursue a policy to outlaw such books from classrooms nationwide if elected president, explaining that some states shouldn't be allowed to "trample on the rights of parents.":snip:


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Conservatives praise DeSantis debate performance against Newsom on social media: 'Whipped him'

Conservatives across social media celebrated Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ debate performance against California Gov. Gavin Newsom and outlined why they thought he won the Fox News debate.


"DeSantis is kicking Newsom's ass," conservative radio host Mark Levin posted on X. "In fact, Newsom is looking and sounding silly." 

"DeSantis went up against the Democrat Party star and whipped him," Levin added in another post. "It's just that simple."

"I was 100% wrong on this debate. I thought Gavin Newsom would be likable and intelligent," Outkick founder Clay Travis posted on X. "I was incorrect. This is a massacre. If this were a boxing match, Newsom’s corner would have thrown in the towel a long time ago. Complete and total win for DeSantis from open to close.":snip:

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DeSantis mocks Newsom over his father-in-law leaving California for Florida in fiery Fox News debate

Talk about a plot twist. 

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis got under Gavin Newsom’s skin on Thursday night when he revealed the California governor’s own father-in-law is among the millions that have fled the blue state in recent years — for the Sunshine State.

“So, I was talking to a fella who had made the move from California to Florida, and he was telling me that Florida is much better governed, safer, better budget, lower taxes, all this stuff, and he’s really happy with the quality of life,” DeSantis said during a Fox News debate with his California counterpart. 

“And then he paused, and he said, ‘You know, by the way, I’m Gavin Newsom’s father-in-law.” 

Newsome’s in-laws, Kenneth Siebel Jr. and Judith Siebel, purchased a $3.3 million home in Naples, Fla., in March 2020, according to Fox News.

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Forget The ‘Red v. Blue State’ Debate: This Was A Great Debate

Who won – and lost – Thursday night’s primetime clash between mega-Governors Ron DeSantis, Republican of the Free State of Florida, and Gavin Newsom, Democrat of the Golden State?

On this scorecard, the winners were the American people. 

And the losers: one and the same.

Why was America writ large the winner? 

America took in more substance, more facts, more clear contrasts, more smart thrusts and parries, and more rhetorical skill, intellectual heft and displays of energy in the first five minutes of this MMA-quality cage match than in the entire series of Republican contests to date. 

The no-holds-barred, mano-a-mano square-off was the Thrilla to those debates’ Vanilla.

Your commentator will leave fact-checking to the “fact-checkers.” Because what mattered much more was the quality and skill of the participants.

Face it, folks. This Newsom guy is good. Surprisingly good, even to this jaded observer.

The Left Coast’s favorite chief executive first adroitly punctured predictable efforts to tie him to the beleaguered president, and charges that he was positioning himself for his own run for the top spot, by asserting that he was in fact there to defend the administration’s record and contrast it with DeSantis’s and the GOP’s.:snip:


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I watched the "Debate" well most of it. One conclusion I have come to is Gavin Newsom really is a slimy little (well) douchebag, who can't keep his mouth shut. After watching I now know  why Dave Rubin Hates loathes him. IF Shape Shifting Lizard People Really Exist,  Gavin Newsom is one.

Also Sean Hannity is a really Really Bad "debate" monitor.

Ron DeSantis had an opportunity to Make A Move...and didn't (once again).

One mans opinion freely given and worth ALMOST that  much.

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My What A Surprise

Newsom camp: Hannity, DeSantis cheated. They dispute the charges.

Thursday’s raucous debate is giving way to bitter disappointment with and outright hostility toward Fox News and its host from the California Democrat’s camp.

Before Ron DeSantis could unveil his “poop map,” Gov. Gavin Newsom team’s frustration with Sean Hannity and his crew centered on his promises to them that he would be a fair moderator, only to repeatedly sandbag the governor and give the entire affair a 2-on-1 dynamic — as they saw it.

“The debate was rigged, and Newsom still won,” Newsom adviser Sean Clegg said.

Newsom himself told people as the debate ended that he’d had fun — sharing that feeling on X where he added that he could have kept going for longer.

But the grievances from Newsom’s team inside the venue were just the start of the mass finger-pointing that followed the 95-minute melee late Thursday in the suburbs of Atlanta. Other alleged violations — of rules both written and understood — involve Ron DeSantis, the Republican Florida governor.


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