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Europe in Open Revolt


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The Free Press

Geert Wilders’ landslide victory in the Netherlands has shocked the chattering class. It shouldn’t have. Plus: How to save France.

Oliver Wiseman

November 29, 2023

“Europe is in shock,” write Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Evelyn Markus in our lead story today. 

The cause of that shock is the triumph of Geert Wilders in last week’s Dutch elections. That the anti-immigration populist now leads the largest party in the Dutch parliament is indeed a stunning outcome given his status as an outcast from the mainstream of Dutch politics. 

But zoom out and his victory is entirely in keeping with a continent-wide trend. In Italy, Giorgia Meloni has been in office for a year. In Germany, the right-wing AfD party is rising in the polls. In France, Marine Le Pen is more popular than Emmanuel Macron.

In 2016, the twin electoral wins for Donald Trump and Brexit were said to herald the arrival of a populist moment. That was seven years ago. This populist moment now seems to be lasting an awfully long time. 

And yet serious, good-faith examinations of why outsider parties are faring so well are hard to come by. Instead, we must wade through unhelpful, knee-jerk descriptions of everyone from an Argentine libertarian to an Italian Catholic national-conservative to a Dutch agnostic nativist as “Trump-like.” The comparison usually prefaces a shallow, parochial analysis.  


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The Death of the Old Europe—and the Rise of the Right

Geert Wilders’ landslide victory in the Netherlands has shocked Europe. It didn’t shock Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Evelyn Markus.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Evelyn Markus

November 28, 2023

Europe is in shock. Geert Wilders—variously called “far-right,” an “anti-Islamist populist,” and the Dutch Donald Trump—won last Wednesday’s election in the Netherlands. His party is now the biggest in the Dutch parliament. For years, Wilders has been an outcast, considered too toxic by mainstream politics and too extreme by the overwhelmingly liberal media. And yet he has won—and not by a small margin. 

Europe is in shock. We are not. 

That is because we both left the Netherlands because of the phenomena that have now brought Wilders to power. 

What we have witnessed will tell you not just about how Wilders could win a landslide victory in one of the most liberal countries in Europe, but about what could soon be coming to countries like France, Germany, and other liberal democracies who fail to grapple with the dual challenge of mass migration and assimilation and ignore the very real concerns of their citizens.



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La République’s Last, Best Hope

The French people can save France.

Christophe Guilluy

November 28, 2023

I live in a country that has to deploy its army to defend the schools of some citizens, who are Jewish, from potential attacks by other citizens, who are antisemites.

I live in a country that has sacrificed the idea of the common good while fanning the flames of sectarian conflict—a country where communities live side by side, yet alongside one another, despite continuous appeals to the values of a “single and indivisible ­République Française.”

I live in a country where a powerless ­president observes that multiculturalism has failed, and that suburban and rural communities have become vulnerable.

I live in a country where around 60 percent of the population is now lucky to have 10 euros left at the end of the month and where eight million people (that is, one working-age person in four) is jobless, underemployed, or in precarious work.

I live in a country where industrial production now represents just 12 percent of GDP—a lower percentage than in Greece.



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Immigration Upends UK Politics

John Hinderaker

November 29, 2023

In 2019 Britain’s Conservative Party won in a historic landslide, but since then its fortunes have dimmed to the point where the party is universally expected to be ousted from power in the next election. This is not because Britons have again become fond of socialism. It is because the Tory government has failed to listen to the voters on the issue of immigration. In the Telegraph, Sherelle Jacobs writes: “The liberal elite’s assumptions about mass migration are crumbling fast.”

We may be on the cusp of the country’s second major political upset in seven years. The Reform Party is surging, even without the starpower of Nigel Farage, and the Tories face electoral annihilation over their abject failure to bring down the migration numbers.

The good news is that politicians on both sides may be grudgingly getting the message.

In the U.K., the principal issue is legal, not illegal, immigration. “Refugees” are central to the problem.

Jacobs points out that one rationale for mass immigration after another has collapsed. This one is particularly interesting.


The idea that Britain needs to import huge numbers of stable foreigners because its own young adults are too emotionally damaged to be employable is appalling. This is one more adverse consequence of raising a generation that can’t cope, as we have also done in the U.S. But no doubt most of those who are deemed disabled by mental health issues could work in some capacity if they had to.

The liberal orthodoxy is also in trouble on refugees. … The basic reality – that only hard deterrence can settle the issue – is becoming impossible to deny.



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On 11/29/2023 at 12:20 PM, Valin said:

The Death of the Old Europe—and the Rise of the Right

Geert Wilders’ landslide victory in the Netherlands has shocked Europe. It didn’t shock Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Evelyn Markus.

Ayaan Hirsi Ali and Evelyn Markus

November 28, 2023

Europe is in shock. Geert Wilders—variously called “far-right,” an “anti-Islamist populist,” and the Dutch Donald Trump—won last Wednesday’s election in the Netherlands. His party is now the biggest in the Dutch parliament. For years, Wilders has been an outcast, considered too toxic by mainstream politics and too extreme by the overwhelmingly liberal media. And yet he has won—and not by a small margin.


Dec 2, 2023 #RebelNews

http://www.TheTruthAboutWilders.com | Wilders won on a simple but profound platform: he wants to stop immigration, especially Islamic immigration, and he wants to break free of the European Union to have a Dutch version of Brexit.

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