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Seven wild plot twists that could upend the 2024 election


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The Hill

Election Day is 12 months away — a century in political dog years and certainly enough time for something completely unexpected to alter the status quo.

In the past, unforeseen and often tragic events have radically changed the trajectories of presidential campaigns. The Sept. 11 terrorist attacks transformed the nation, sent the U.S. to war, and surely reelected President George W. Bush in 2004.


1. One of the two candidates dies or is forced to withdraw for health, legal, scandal, impeachment conviction or reasons unimagined. This is not really so far-fetched for two men at such advanced ages, one of whom is facing four indictments, but who is even considering it as a possibility?

2. A terrorist attack occurs on par with Sept. 11, 2001. Depending on the circumstances, such an attack could hurt or help Biden’s reelection, since changing leaders during a national crisis could be perceived as distracting.

3. An international incident or an escalation of an existing conflict demands a U.S. military response. Suddenly, foreign policy takes center stage. The U.S. is at war, resulting in a massive shift of public opinion away from domestic issues. Moreover, the conflict impacts the foundation of the U.S. economy. Think of China attacking Taiwan, disrupting the microchip supply chain. Imagine Russia using a nuclear device in Ukraine. Or, Ukraine falls, and Putin invades a NATO country. A military draft could potentially be instituted if the all-volunteer forces need boosting.

4. Close to the election, a crippling, prolonged cyberattack on critical infrastructure leaves the U.S. exposed and vulnerable. Basic energy and communications services are cut off and millions are left in both a literal and an information blackout.


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7. Given the unpopularity of Trump and Biden, a third-party candidate catches fire and gains support above 20 percent. It’s not that crazy — a new Gallup poll found that 63 percent of voters support a third party in theory. This could be Ross Perot only bigger. But who is this person who could become relevant as a third-party nominee?


According to Polls large numbers  (a plurality?) don't want either one. 

Of course I recall in 2016 it was written Both parties nominated the only 2 candidates the other one could beat. Grand Pa Joe is one slip and fall away from being out Running for Office is a 27/7 job. Donald Trump is gong to be spending A Lot of time sitting in court rooms, and spending A Lot of money on lawyers instead of campaigning.

"There are known knowns. These are things we know that we know. There are known unknowns. That is to say, there are things that we know we don't know. But there are also unknown unknowns. There are things we don't know we don't know."

Donald Rumsfeld

Then there is out little friend



Who is changing EVERYTHING, in ways we have  no idea.

Ya know 'm thinking we need  to call this (XXIst century) The Chaos Age.

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Never have so many people had access to so much information so easily, and yet know so little, have so little interest in looking at another's views.


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