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The NAACP Says Florida Isn't Safe for Black People. Data Tell a Different Story.


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The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People last week cautioned black Americans to stay out of Florida, claiming that the state’s "openly hostile" policies put them at risk. But a Washington Free Beacon review found that minorities are far more likely to be the victims of hate crimes in liberal states like California.


The NAACP's "travel advisory" does not cite any figures, which show that black Floridians enjoy lower unemployment, higher median incomes, and lower rates of both hate crimes and police killings than their counterparts in other states. Instead, the group cites Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis's (R.) "aggressive attempts to erase Black history and to restrict diversity, equity, and inclusion programs in Florida schools," particularly a bill that prevents public schools from offering AP African American Studies courses.

Left-wing activist groups have warned minorities against traveling to the Sunshine State in response to DeSantis’s educational reforms. The NAACP’s travel advisory comes after the League of United Latin American Citizens and the gay rights group Equality Florida issued similar warnings, the New York Times reported.

These warnings paint a much grimmer picture than the reality of life in Florida. Black unemployment in the state stood at 3.8 percent by the end of 2022, far lower than the national average of 6.1 percent, or California’s of 7.5 percent. Florida is second in the country for the most minority-owned businesses, which may explain why median black family income is higher there than the national average or blue states such as Illinois.

Those economic facts may also explain why Florida has one of the largest black populations in the country—and why it has grown from 1.9 million to 3.2 million in the last 30 years. That's much different from the troubling picture the NAACP paints in its advisory, which claims "Florida is openly hostile toward African Americans, people of color and LGBTQ+ individuals.":snip:

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Reporter Flusters NAACP President With Inconvenient Facts About Ron DeSantis and Black Voters

As RedState reported earlier, NAACP president Derrick Johnson went on CNN Monday morning to promote his organization’s new “travel advisory” for Florida, which specifically took aim at Gov. Ron DeSantis, proclaiming that he was “openly hostile” to the black community because he allegedly doesn’t want black children to learn black history.


Though Johnson likely expected CNN to be friendly territory, he was in for a surprise when “This Morning” anchor Sara Sidner noted that according to the Florida Chamber of Commerce, Florida in recent years had “moved into the number one spot in the United States for black-owned businesses and number two for Hispanic” businesses, with Sidner herself explaining that the statement, translated, suggested that “Hispanics are doing quite well” there.

As we also reported in our write-up, that did not sit well with Johnson, who denied reality for a couple of minutes before Sidner moved on to her next question – which just so happened to irritate Johnson even more because it specifically related to the black and Hispanic vote in Florida.

In a follow-up point, Sidner brought up CNN’s exit polling numbers from the 2022 gubernatorial race in Florida, which showed that 13 percent of black voters backed DeSantis and that 58 percent of the Hispanic vote went to DeSantis, both of which are pretty impressive numbers for Republicans when it comes to “voters of color.”:snip:

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This is NOT your father's NAACP. Like so much of The Left. Google NAACP Transgender, Climate Change, DEI, etc. Its all the (Progressive) Ideology.

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