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SZABO: Biden’s ‘Ministry of Truth’ Is Back, But With New Branding


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Daily Caller

As the Special Counsel John Durham reports on the FBI’s disinformation campaign on Russia and Trump is issued, President Biden pushes forward with his efforts to control speech online. Only one year ago, Biden’s team tried to set up a Disinformation Governance Board. Despite failing, unfortunately it sparked a trend for Biden, with multiple, similar executive offices cropping up unnoticed, like the Foreign Malign Influence Center (FMIC) under the Director of National Intelligence.

Every American should be alarmed by the Biden administration’s pushes on multiple fronts, from the regulatory state to the surveillance regime, to expand its “oversight” of our constitutionally-protected civil liberties. But this effort seems to be less focused on safeguarding Americans and more about exerting control over us.

Any government agency determining the merits of American speech is dangerous. The greatest threat to prosperity is not external—it is a loss of trust among the people in institutions. The danger lies in the potential emergence of a two-tiered justice system – one for the party in power, and one for everyone else.

This two-tiered system is already rearing its head today: if the cause aligns with the Biden administration’s agenda, it seems everything is permissible, from defacing cities to intimidating Supreme Court Justices. The most egregious examples of this administration’s censorial instincts can be seen in the government’s extensive effort to suppress of the Hunter Biden laptop story. The same goes for the Covid-19 lab leak theory, which was initially dismissed as conspiracy but has since been found to have legitimate grounds for investigation.

Instead of allowing the American public to examine information and make up their own minds, the administration has stepped in to bury or shape these stories and many others.


Ministry of Truth, 2.0...

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2 minutes ago, WestVirginiaRebel said:
Daily Caller


Instead of allowing the American public to examine information and make up their own minds, the administration has stepped in to bury or shape these stories and many others.


Ministry of Truth, 2.0...


But But they might draw the wrong conclusions! We can't have that! We must ALL Think The Same.

Why does the phase Ein Volk, Ein Reich, Ein Führer. Come to mind?

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