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BREAKING: John Durham’s Years-Long Investigation Into Trump-Russia Collusion Investigators Is Over


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The Daily Wire

Tim Pearce
May 15, 2023 

Special counsel John Durham’s report on his investigation into the investigators of Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 election is finished.

The report is finished and has been released to several outlets, according to reports. The full report is expect to be released at 4 p.m. EST, according to Fox News.

The Washington Free Beacon’s Chuck Ross reported on Monday afternoon that the “Durham report is finished and dropping soon.” Minutes later, Ross tweeted that he had obtained the report, a 320-page document detailing Durham’s investigation.

“One quick thing that catches my eye: FBI ended one aspect of its investigation after ‘a longtime and valuable confidential human source’ made an ‘improper and possibly illegal campaign contribution’ to the Clinton campaign on behalf of a ‘foreign entity,’” Ross said.

Sean Davis, CEO and co-founder of The Federalist, also obtained a copy of the report. The report says, according to Davis, that Durham concluded that “neither U.S. nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation.”



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John Durham releases final report concluding FBI had no verified intel when it opened probe on Trump

The FBI has long defended its conduct in probe, but Durham said his probe provided a "sobering" look at miscondict
John Solomon

May 15 2023

Special Counsel John Durham released a damning final report Monday after more than three years investigating the Russia collusion probe, declaring the FBI had no verified intelligence or evidence when it opened up the Crossfire Hurricane probe of President Donald Trump's campaign in the summer of 2016.


The report's release touched off instant outrage and impact on Capitol Hill, where House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan tweeted he planned to summon Durham for testimony next week.


Durham also laid out significant evidence that Strzok, who led the Crossfire Hurricane team but was fired from the FBI, worked with FBI lawyer Lisa Page, with whom he was having an affair, to go around the counterintelligence chief of the FBI, Bill Preistap, his boss, to keep the investigation going by getting the approval of then FBI-Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who also was later fired.

The report quoted Preistap as identifying "instances when Strzok shared information directly with McCabe before Priestap could provide the information to McCabe himself. Priestap said these actions drove him 'insane.' He also told the Office that Strzok was the worst offender in this regard and that these events occurred mostly when he (Priestap) wanted to go in one direction and they (Page and Strzok) disagreed and thus went around him."


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2 hours ago, Valin said:

Special counsel John Durham’s report on his investigation into the investigators of Trump-Russia collusion during the 2016 election is finished.

And so what????? What are the consequences??? What a  crock.

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2 hours ago, Geee said:

And so what????? What are the consequences??? What a  crock.

As Long As Grand Pa is sitting (napping) in the Oval Office...Nothing.

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Durham Report Rips FBI

John Hinderaker

May 15, 2023

As Steve noted earlier this afternoon, John Durham released his long-awaited report today. The report is long, over 300 pages, and I have not had time to read it all. It is embedded below; you can read it and draw your own conclusions.



From  what little I've read,  John Durham simply reconfirms Everything  We  on  the Right have been saying for  years.


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Top 10 takeaways from Durham report


Government Had No Evidence

  • "Neither U.S. law enforcement nor the Intelligence Community appears to have possessed any actual evidence of collusion in their holdings at the commencement of the Crossfire Hurricane investigation," Durham wrote. Crossfire Hurricane is the FBI codename for the investigation into the 2016 Trump campaign.
  • Durham contended that, had the FBI followed its own procedures, the bureau "would have learned that their own experienced Russia analysts had no information about Trump being involved with Russian leadership officials, nor were others in sensitive positions at the CIA, the NSA, and the Department of State aware of such evidence concerning the subject."

No New Charges

  • Durham did not recommend that any additional people face charges stemming from his investigation.
  • He previously pursued cases against former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann and Steele Dossier contributor Igor Danchenko, but was unsuccessful.
  • :snip:
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In A Healthy ‘Democracy,’ John Brennan Would Already Be In Prison

The former CIA director should have been driven into exile years ago.


The just-released Durham report confirmed that the FBI not only failed to corroborate the Steele dossier, Hillary Clinton’s oppo-doc against Donald Trump, but it regularly ignored existing, sometimes dispositive, evidence to keep the investigation alive. Some officials were credulous. Others were devious. But no one “stole” our democracy — other than perhaps intelligence officials and the journalists who helped feed the collective hysteria over Russia.

John Brennan, Hamas-loving authoritarian and partisan propagandist, almost surely knew it was a con from the start. Yet he spent four years on television sounding like a deranged subreddit commenter. Even after privately admitting he knew there was no collusion, Brennan kept lying and using his credentials to mislead the public.


From Durham’s report:

CIA Director John Brennan and Deputy Director David Cohen were interviewed by the Office and were asked about their knowledge of any actual evidence of members of the Trump campaign conspiring or colluding with Russian officials. When Brennan was provided with an overview of the origins of the Attorney General’s Review after Special Counsel Mueller finding a lack of evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russian authorities, Brennan offered that “they found no conspiracy.”


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Durham report vindicates Trump and shows many people owe him an apology

:snip:The 45th president was openly mocked for labeling accusations of Russian collusion as a "witch hunt," but the evidence from the Durham report shows that is exactly what it was. And while the Durham report focused on ignominious acts of the FBI, we should also be extremely critical of those who attacked Trump for suggesting the FBI was corrupt.

These were some of the nation's most influential leaders and decision-makers in the intelligence communities that made many vital determinations that shaped our country's policy decisions. Many people, such as John Brennan, former director of the CIA, James Comey, former director of the FBI, and James Clapper, former director of National Intelligence, condemned Trump, criticized him, and admonished him for doubting our nation's intelligence agencies have lost all credibility.


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Durham Report Is Utterly Damning, So Where Are All The Indictments?


This was the real conspiracy among dozens of people and multiple organizations, ranging from the CIA and FBI to the White House and the Hillary Clinton campaign.

That is a real threat to what Democrats like to grandly refer to as “our democracy.”

Or, as USA Today editorial board member and author James Bovard put it in the New York Post, Durham’s final report showed “how the FBI and Justice Department plotted to rig the 2016 presidential election.”

Meanwhile, the Durham report said “the FBI appears to have made no effort to investigate … the Clinton campaign’s purported acceptance” of an illegal campaign contribution “that was made by the FBI’s own long-term [confidential human source] on behalf of Insider-I and, ultimately” a foreign government. In short, the very thing the accusers were charging Trump with doing.

But still, no indictments.

A seemingly exasperated Roger Kimball wondered if the responsible parties would be held accountable. For those who believe they will, he offered for sale “a nice bridge in Brooklyn.”


He’s right, of course. So is American Thinker editor Thomas Lifson, who added that “by issuing no indictments whatsoever, (Durham) enabled the complex story to be buried by the same media in a day or two.”

The ongoing misconduct is overwhelming and pervasive, and clearly indicates a deep state political bias on behalf of the increasingly far-left Democratic Party among FBI, CIA and Justice Department officials.

The leadership of the FBI, frankly, was corrupt in 2016 and remains so today. As for Clinton, she hatched the plan and funded it illegally out of Democratic National Committee coffers. For that blatant misuse of funds, she got a measly $113,000 fine from the Federal Election Commission.:snip:

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22 minutes ago, Geee said:

As long as Grand Pa Joe is sitting (napping) in  the  Oval Office Not..Gonna...Happen.

When(Jan. 21 2025 Please God!) a Republican sits in the Oval Office the Narrative WILL BE, Old News, this is Old News! Maybe (small minor) Mistakes/Omissions were made, but its Time To Move On. 


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The Unspoken Warning In The Durham Report: American Self-Government Is Collapsing


Without a civic life shaped and guided by Christian moral virtue, our republic will eventually descend into tyranny.



Yesterday in these pages Margot Cleveland rightly noted that the most damning finding in the 306-page report from Special Counsel John Durham is not necessarily the FBI’s scandalous Crossfire Hurricane investigation of the Trump campaign in 2016, but that the egregious abuses of power detailed in the report cannot be remedied “absent a curing of the corrupted hearts and minds of law enforcement and intelligence agencies.”

For all the FBI’s blatant partisanship, its disregard of exculpatory evidence, and its outright deception to secure FISA warrants on Trump campaign associates, writes Cleveland, “what should terrify the country is not the catalog of malfeasance the special counsel recited — for mistakes and even gross failures can be corrected — but that Durham warned of corrupted hearts and minds, unfaithful to the people and their Constitution.”


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