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The Power of Opting Out (I don't have to do One damn thing That I don't want to do"


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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 46 Maybe about a fifth of American adults decided not to get the shot (you know, THE shot). Maybe it was a quarter. Either way, that's not very many, it seems, but it was enough to stop the rollout of shot-based passports that could control our behavior and movement, in addition to the digital ID and tracking system that would come with it. That's the power of opting out of the totalitarian system they're trying to foist upon us, mostly by gaining our consent through appeals to "safety" and "convenience." This can be replicated, for example in schools and "competency-based education" and SEL surveying, and it not only slows down their rollouts but can disrupt them entirely, and this is a huge ingredient in how we beat an enemy that seems to have already captured everything. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay discusses the strategic power of opting out and the role it can play in stopping the madness of the Woke Marxist cult.

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When is it time to stand up against Woke Marxism? Yesterday. Actually like five years ago. The next best time is right now. In this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay goes through the simple but important argument that as totalitarianism rolls out over your country, fighting back gets harder, not easier, with every additional day you wait to start. It's hard to stand up now, but as time goes on, you'll not only feel like you need to stand up more than you do now, but you'll also realize it's far, far more dangerous. In fact, by then, it may be too late. Join him to gain the courage to start fighting back now.

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 48 One of the most powerful tactics against totalitarianism, one that worked to stop regimes from taking over and that broke existing regimes from within, is the simple strategy of "throwing sand in the gears," as it's said. What this means is going out of your way to make their programs bulky, slow, dysfunctional, and inefficient by deliberately underperforming, asking difficult questions, speaking up, and getting in the way. Do your job, if you must, but do it inefficiently as an act of "strategic resistance." Drag your feet. Make mistakes. Play dumb. Ask hard questions, both pertinent and impertinent while you can. Point out abuses. Spread information. Become sand in the gears of their machine and help grind it to a halt. Join host James Lindsay for this episode of New Discourses Bullets to learn more about this powerful strategy.

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New Discourses Bullets, Ep. 51 How can we fight a tyrannical movement trying to take over our society or mislead people into traps? One key thing to do is to understand how people relate to such movements and organize our messaging and activity in a way that targets them for where they are. Adopting a model from a recent talk, in this episode of New Discourses Bullets, host James Lindsay discusses five primary (and a few secondary) dispositions with regard to tyrannical movements and how to target messaging and activity toward each of them. This should help people fighting the movement be more aware and effective in their efforts, which can be more targeted across a wide set of necessary aims. Join him to learn how to fight a tyrannical movement.

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