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Balenciaga’s Child Porn Advocacy: an Echo of Tony Podesta’s Disturbing Art Collection


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American Greatness

Unable to outrage the American middle class with modern art, the Left descends into nihilism and pornography.

The luxury fashion brand Balenciaga is under fire due to an ad campaign that showed a child model standing with a teddy bear that was wearing black leather and chains—in other words, BDSM apparel. People are outraged, and rightly so, but the episode points to a larger problem: the way the Left has embraced violent, pornographic, and disturbing art.

Remember the Podesta art collection? In 2016 it was revealed that the art collection of DNC bigwigs Tony and John Podesta was bizarre and really disturbing. The Podesta’s collection contained, as critic Michael J. Pearce described it, “weird genetically-mutated piggy-children sculptures and creepy photographs of men with children running away.” People were shocked to learn that this pillar of the Democratic Party owned a sculpture of a decapitated naked woman whose pose closely resembled a photo of one of Jeffrey Dahmer’s victims. Another installation in [Podesta’s] home included hyper-real sculpted hybrid human and pig figures, including piglet children.”

Pearce goes on: “suddenly, a powerful perception of a sick relationship between left-wing politics, avant-garde art, and pedophilia was established by media outlets covering the story.” The stuff even offended both mainstream and left-wing Democrats: “Intersectional Democratic Party members were horrified that the aesthetic taste of Podesta—one of their elite leaders—could include such offensive things. Party leaders seeking the middle-class vote were appalled at the offense to bourgeois values. The sculpture of the beheaded woman clearly offended feminist factions.:snip:


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Welcome to the New York art scene. Shock& Nihilism are the keywords.  See "The Painted Word" Tom Wolfe

When you get rid of Truth, esthetic goes out the window, and


This is what you get.

"When the truth is found to be lies
And all the joy within you dies"

 Darby Slick (Jefferson Airplane.)

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@Valin If John and Tony Podesta and his ex wife had gotten all the media attention that they deserved the last twenty years, his name would be more recognizable than Epstein any day. You can get away with a lot if you know the right people.

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6 minutes ago, Geee said:

@Valin If John and Tony Podesta and his ex wife had gotten all the media attention that they deserved the last twenty years, his name would be more recognizable than Epstein any day. You can get away with a lot if you know the right people.

In the "Art World" it is literally Who You Know. There was a time (70's-80's) when I would go to Openings. A lot of these folks are NOT nice people, and Shallow doesn't even begin to cover it.

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