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University of Florida Medical School Scrubs Web Pages of Woke Content in Wake of Exposé


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The Washington Free Beacon

Aaron Sibarium

November 30, 2022

The University of Florida College of Medicine is scrubbing "anti-racism" pages from its website in the wake of a report detailing the influence of leftwing ideology on the school’s curriculum.

The report from Do No Harm, a group opposed to identity politics in medical education, was released November 22 and highlighted a slew of activist statements by the public medical school, many of them posted to its official website. A week later—after a flurry of unflattering media coverage—the College of Medicine had taken down at least three of those posts, including a statement on the admissions office homepage declaring that "BLACK LIVES MATTER."

That statement also condemned "systemic oppression" and touted the admissions office’s commitment to "equity in healthcare." In addition, the school removed a webpage that offered a list of "resources for combating systemic racism," including a set of guidelines instructing "white allies" to "assume racism is everywhere, every day," and a page that described the school’s learning objectives related to "health equity."

Though the College of Medicine declined to comment on the removal, it did offer an unsolicited defense of its admissions policies.



Behind The Scenes I'd bet The University of Florida College of Medicine will still push this...CRAP.

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