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No Precedent in Modern History for Outgoing House Majority Passing Omnibus Appropriations Bill in Lame-Duck Session


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Heritage Foundation


The precedent is clear. In modern American history, no Congress has passed an omnibus appropriations bill during a lame-duck session following a shift in power in the House. To do so this year would be a violation of congressional precedent and a finger in the eye to the millions of Americans who voted for new leadership in the House.

In a day and age where the integrity of our institutions is continually under scrutiny, honoring the will of the people and the historical precedent of Congress should be a priority.

The 117th Congress should pass a short-term congressional resolution that provides stop-gap funding until early 2023, then allow the 118th Congress to do the job it was sent to Washington to do.


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7 hours ago, Geee said:

To do so this year would be a violation of congressional precedent and a finger in the eye to the millions of Americans who voted for new leadership in the House.

That pretty much sums up their attitude from the "get go".

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