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Democrats, Not ‘Democracy,’ at Risk Today


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Chronicles Magazine


Democrats, Not ‘Democracy,’ at Risk Today


 “Make no mistake—democracy is on the ballot for us all.” So declaiming in his Union Station speech to the nation on the real stakes in the 2022 elections, President Joe Biden, who was immediately echoed by Barack Obama, painted himself and his party into a corner. For if Trump Republicans carry the day Tuesday, Biden will have to declare, if there is any consistency left in him, a “defeat for democracy” and a victory for the party that he has said is steeped in “semi-fascism.”   

   Assume, for the sake of argument, a GOP capture of the House of Representatives and of a majority of the U.S. Senate. How would Biden describe that GOP victory, if he has persisted in his stated belief that the fate of “democracy” itself was on the table? Would he say that “democracy” had been rejected in America, dealt a crippling blow, a “shellacking,” by a party dominated by semi-fascists?     

   How does Biden then work for the next two years with leaders of a party whose ascendancy James Clyburn, third-ranking Democrat in the House, has just compared to the Nazis coming to power in Germany?:snip: 

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