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Race-Obsessed Sheila Jackson Lee Absurdly Connects COVID to Slavery, Demands 'Curative Reparations'


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You can’t make it up. Thankfully, veteran race-hustler Texas Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee can and just did. Democrats in general are phenomenal at connecting dots that don’t exist, but Jackson Lee can connect virtually anything to “racism” in fewer dots than most — except for MSNBC’s Joy Reid, of course.

In her latest display of ninja-like mastery, Jackson Lee, on Thursday, drew a ridiculous connection between COVID and slavery during a disjointed speech on the House Floor as she once again called for reparations, as reported by The Blaze. While she claimed her spiel wasn’t accusatory (of course, it was) and only about “reconciliation,” “restoration,” and “repair,” her words were as delusional as— well, as delusional as SJL always is — and with a straight face, mind you:

It stands on the basis of facts. There is no doubt we have been impacted, that DNA in the trajectory of slavery to today. For example in COVID. Black African-Americans got COVID at a rate of nearly 1.5x higher than that of white people, or hospitalized at a rate of nearly 4x higher and 3x likely to die. COVID hit us very desperately.

Therefore, she claimed: “Reparations are curative; they’re not punishment.”:snip:


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Next thing you know she will be saying that right wing bigoted whites were passing out blankets infected with Covid19 to African Americans :blink:

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2 hours ago, Geee said:

Next thing you know she will be saying that right wing bigoted whites were passing out blankets infected with Covid19 to African Americans :blink:

And there are  people stupid (or greedy) enough to buy into it.



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