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Republicans Need to Call Out Democrats for Their Meddling in GOP Primaries


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PJ Media

As Democrats were touring the country screaming about Donald Trump being a threat to democracy, national Democrats spent about $54 million to boost Trump-backed Republican primary candidates who they knew would be far less competitive against Democratic incumbents in blue and purple states. The strategy worked better than they ever dreamed.


By and large, the primary candidates the Democrats supported who made it to the general election lost. This includes the critical race in New Hampshire where extremely vulnerable incumbent Democrat Sen. Maggie Hassan was able to squeak by a Trump-backed candidate, retired General Don Bolduc. Many Republicans wanted GOP state senator Chuck Morse, who had the backing of popular Republican Gov. Chris Sununu, to prevail in that primary. Sununu won re-election by 16 points. As it was, Bolduc almost pulled off the upset.

There was nothing wrong with the GOP candidates backed by Democrats. In red states, they probably would have cruised to victory. But they were the wrong candidates to run in unfriendly states. And Democrats manipulated the primaries and Republican primary voters to get the outcome they desired.

Their manipulation included maneuvers to keep popular potential candidates like Sununu and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey on the sidelines instead of running for the Senate.:snip:

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3 hours ago, Geee said:
PJ Media

As Democrats were touring the country screaming about Donald Trump being a threat to democracy, national Democrats spent about $54 million to boost Trump-backed Republican primary candidates who they knew would be far less competitive against Democratic incumbents in blue and purple states. The strategy worked better than they ever dreamed.


I  wonder if Rick remembers


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