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BALANCE OF POWER: Where do the uncalled House races stand as GOP nears majority?


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Fox News

19 congressional races remain uncalled with control of the House hanging in the balance



As Republicans inch closer to capturing a majority of seats in the U.S. House of Representatives, there are still 19 races yet to be called that will determine how close the margins could be for the party should it ultimately prevail.

A party must win 218 seats to win a majority in the 435-seat body, a feat appearing to be within the grasp of the GOP, who have won 212 seats so far to Democrats' 204.

Here is where the remaining races stand as votes continue to be counted in states across the country:


AK-AL - Alaska's At Large Congressional District has been rated by Fox News' Power Rankings as "lean Democratic" due to the state's newly implemented ranked-choice voting system giving incumbent Democrat Rep. Mary Peltola an advantage against her Republican opponents, former Gov. Sarah Palin and Nick Begich. Peltola lead in the first round of the vote, with Palin in second and Begich in third, but failed to secure 50%, meaning those who voted for the candidate with the least number of votes will have their second choice vote reallocated to the other candidates until one reaches 50%. The second round tabulation is scheduled to take place on Wednesday, Nov. 23. :snip:

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