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Tuesday Takeaways - Victor Davis Hanson


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American Greatness

The under-polled voters were not silent, wary Trump supporters, but seething upscale women and college students.



What, if anything, did the midterms tell us about the country—other than underwhelming Republicans could still take the House and Senate?

During the COVID lockdowns, American elections radically changed to mail-in and early voting. They did so in a wild variety of state-by-state ways. Add ranked voting and a required majority margin to the mess and the result is that once cherished Election Day balloting becomes increasingly irrelevant.

Election Night also no longer exists. Returns are not counted for days. It is intolerable for a modern democracy to wait and wait for all sorts of different ballots both cast and counted under radically different and sometimes dubious conditions.


The Democrats—with overwhelming media and money advantages—have mastered these arts of massive and unprecedented early, mail-in, and absentee voting. Old-fashioned Republicans count on riling up their voters to show up on Election Day. But it is far easier to finesse and control the mail-in ballots than to “get out the vote.”

The country is more divided in more ways than ever. America’s interior just gets redder and the bicoastal corridors bluer.:snip:

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As an aside

Frank Frankie D DeCicco (John Gotti's Underrboss) talking to Salvatore "Sammy the Bull" Gravano about making John Gotti The Boss. (I paraphrase) *"Look I can work under John, but No Way can John work under me."  Donald Trumps personality/ego cannot allow him to ever lose. In this way he is like John Gotti. There is a story Michael Franzese tells about a  Sit Down with John Gotti. "John could Never Lose an argument, even with himself."


NOT[//b] saying Donal Trump is like John Gotti, except in this way Huge Egos that can never be seen as losing.


*/b] (the rest of the statement "So we'll let John be The Boss. Give him a year, see how it woks out. If it doesn't you and I will wack him out and we'll run The Family."

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