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Sorry Libs, You Can’t Replace Dads With Government


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Daily Caller

It’s been said that America can always be counted on to do the right thing, once we have exhausted all the other alternatives. As of Father’s Day 2022, America has spent about 60 years exhausting the alternatives to fatherhood — and the collateral damage is all around us.

The evidence is so overwhelming that it’s not really controversial anymore. Children who grow up without their fathers — especially in communities where fatherlessness has become the norm —carry the heaviest social, economic and psychological cross social science can measure. The mountain of data is nothing short of Himalayan.

Children raised in single-parent homes constitute:


  • 63% of teen suicides;
  • 90% of runaways and homeless children;
  • 85% of behavior disorder patients;
  • 71% of high school dropouts;
  • 75% of teenagers in substance abuse rehab centers;
  • 85% of young prison inmates.

This is what we have to show for the trillions of dollars spent and the decades of research conducted. If there was a way for a social worker or a bureaucracy or a government check to fill the Dad-shaped hole in America’s broken families, we would have found it by now.:snip:


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