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The Special Counsel Proved The FBI Belongs To The Swamp


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The Federalist

Yesterday, after less than one full day of deliberations, a D.C. jury stacked with pro-Hillary Clinton jurors acquitted former Clinton campaign attorney Michael Sussmann, proving the FBI is not “ours” but the swamp’s.

Just more than two weeks ago, prosecutor Brittain Shaw began opening statements in United States v. Sussmann, by stating the obvious: “Some people have very strong feelings about politics and about Russia, and many people have strong feelings about Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton.”

“But we are not here because these allegations involve either of them,” Shaw continued. “Nor are we here because the defendant’s client was the Clinton campaign.” Rather, “we are here because the FBI is our institution that should not be used as a political tool for anyone; not Republicans, not Democrats, not anyone.”

But after hearing overwhelming evidence that Sussmann lied when he told the then-FBI General Counsel James Baker he was providing data and whitepapers about a supposed secret communications channel between Trump and the Russian-based Alfa Bank on his own behalf, when in fact Sussmann was representing both the Clinton campaign and tech executive Rodney Joffe, the 12 D.C. residents found Sussmann not guilty.

It was not the verdict, however, that confirmed that the FBI belongs to career bureaucrats, high-powered D.C. elites who revolve in and out of the government as political appointees, and the families and friends of all the above. Rather, it was the speed with which the acquittal came, coupled with the in-court testimony and other evidence exposed by the special counsel throughout the prosecution that proved the FBI isn’t America’s anymore.

After hearing from some 20 witnesses, all but a few testifying for the prosecution, the jury spent a couple of hours on Friday deliberating before the long Memorial Day weekend. Tuesday morning, the 12 jurors returned to the D.C. federal courthouse to continue deliberations. But after requesting to see a copy of Sussmann’s taxi receipt and one of the whitepapers Sussmann peddled to Baker, they delivered their verdict of “not guilty.”:snip:

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Christopher Wray's Recent Evasions on Michael Sussmann Start to Make Sense After Shocking Report From Tucker Carlson

As RedState reported on Wednesday morning, the FBI was so closely linked to former Hillary Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann that it has a workspace inside of Perkins Coie while Sussmann himself held an FBI badge that gave him special government access. Perkins Coie is, of course, the law firm that represented Hillary Clinton’s campaign throughout the 2016 campaign and its aftermath.

According to the letter from Perkins Coie in response to Gaetz and Jordan’s letter, the law firm has maintained that space for more than a decade going back to 2012. Carlson claimed that the workspace was still in operation today. Gaetz claimed it was Sussmann who was also “operating this secure work environment.” “What reason would there be for that?” Gaetz asked. “And what leverage would the Perkins law firm have over the FBI, given this work they’re doing together?”:snip:

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Grassley raises alarm over 'partisan' social media posts linked to FBI official


A top Republican senator is demanding that the leaders of the Department of Justice and FBI investigate whether a top bureau official in the nation’s capital violated DOJ guidelines through partisan posts on social media.

Timothy Thibault, FBI assistant special agent in charge and leader at the Washington field office handling public corruption matters and other criminal investigations, “likely violated several federal regulations and Department guidelines designed to prevent political bias from infecting FBI matters, including the Attorney General Guidelines for Domestic FBI Operations and FBI social media policies," Sen. Chuck Grassley (R-IA) said Tuesday.


Grassley sent letters to Attorney General Merrick Garland and FBI Director Christopher Wray that set a preliminary deadline of June 14 for them to share documents related to Thibault, including investigations he has supervised since 2015. Grassley also called on DOJ Inspector General Michael Horowitz to investigate, pointing to a number of DOJ rules and regulations, including FBI guidelines on social media use.:snip:

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US attorney said Flynn’s name was not masked before leak, sought to absolve unmaskers

The U.S. attorney tasked with investigating the “unmasking” saga concluded that retired Lt. Gen. Mike Flynn's name had never been hidden to begin with when the FBI shared information with the Obama administration.

Flynn's communications with Russian Ambassador Sergey Kislyak were leaked to the media in early 2017. However, the prosecutor said he did not find politically motivated wrongdoing related to the requests by officials that unmasked associates of Donald Trump during the transition period after his 2016 win.:snip:

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