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SCOTUS Case: Christian Artist Forced to Create Designs That Violate Her Beliefs About Marriage


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CNS News

(CNS News) – The Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) filed a brief with the Supreme Court last week in defense of a graphic artist who is being told by Colorado officials that she cannot refuse work that promotes same-sex marriage, a position that the artist, Lorie Smith, says violates her religious beliefs.

Lorie Smith, an artist and web designer in the Denver area, runs 303 Creative, an LLC that provides services in marketing, graphics, websites and events.   A self-described Christian, Smith states on her website, “ I am selective about the messages that I create or promote – while I will serve anyone I am always careful to avoid communicating ideas or messages, or promoting events, products, services, or organizations, that are inconsistent with my religious beliefs.”:snip:

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If this were me, I'd do what they asked, I'd make it. And make it the Worst Most Disgusting Vile Obnoxious piece of art I could (gag a maggot). And then I'd Sue Them when didn't like it and refused to pay me. Colorado say I Have To do this, fine. It doesn't say I have to do a "Good Job" that pleases the client

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