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U.S. Marine Corps Goes Woke, Celebrates ‘Pride Month’ with Rainbow Bullets


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The U.S. Marine Corps went full woke on Wednesday, marking the first day of “Pride Month” with a celebratory image featuring rainbow bullets.

“Throughout June, the USMC [U.S. Marine Corps] takes #Pride in recognizing and honoring the contributions of our LGBTQ service members,” the U.S. Marine Corps said in a statement posted to social media.

“We remain committed to fostering an environment free from discrimination, and defend the values of treating all equally, with dignity and respect,” it added, using the hashtags #PrideMonth and #USMC. The statement is accompanied by an image of a Marine helmet adorned with six bullets, each a different color, comprising a rainbow::snip:


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Joe Biden Pays Homage to ‘Intersex’ Identity for Pride Month 2022: ‘LGBTQI+ Rights Are Human Rights’

President Joe Biden celebrated the beginning of “Pride Month” on Wednesday, adding a new initial to the Pride acronym in recognition of “Intersex” as an additional gender identity.

“We reaffirm that LGBTQI+ rights are human rights,” Biden wrote in a statement on Twitter. “And we recommit to delivering protections, safety, and equality so everyone can realize the full promise of America.”:snip:

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The Anarchic Philosophy Behind 'LGBTQI+ Pride Month' - Ben Shapiro

June marks LGBTQI+ Pride Month — a month honoring those who are “lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer and intersex.” This ever-expanding rubric revolves around a particular value system entirely embraced by the modern Left: the notion that a person’s core identity ought to lie not in the relationship between individual desires and societal duties, but instead ought to revolve around a subjective sense of self, unverifiable by the world at large and justified against all societal roles and rules. 


President Joe Biden has said as much from the White House. In a proclamation urging Americans to “wave their flags of pride high” — it is worth noting that an entire side of the political aisle in the United States now finds the so-called pride flag far less controversial than the American flag itself — Biden stated, “This month, we remind the LGBTQI+ community that they are loved and cherished. My administration sees you for who you are — deserving of dignity, respect and support.” :snip:

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1 hour ago, Geee said:

The U.S. Marine Corps went full woke on Wednesday, marking the first day of “Pride Month” with a celebratory image featuring rainbow bullets.



The Pentagon Marine Corp may be but I'd bet The Grunts aren't.


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1 hour ago, Valin said:

Fun For The Whole Family. Assuming your family is into Satanic Gay Incest Porn.

And if not - that is their eventual aim

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10 minutes ago, Geee said:

And if not - that is their eventual aim

I'm sitting here waiting for The Blow Back (the Counter Revolution). Because It Is Coming. I Have To Believe This. Because the alternative is, we are well ad truly screwed. It goes deeper than Politics. Politics is a symptom of the deeper underlying problem/disease. I call it Materialism. The Idea that Only that which you can measure is real. If there is no God, no Supernatural, then what this guy is doing is fine. What does it matter, you've got your 3 score and 10, and That's it. So why not do exactly what you want? 

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Federal Agencies Celebrate Pride, Ignore Memorial Day

If you’re wondering where America’s heroes rank on President Joe Biden’s list of priorities, try below the rainbow flag.

While federal agencies have been tripping over themselves to pledge allegiance to LGBT activism, two couldn’t be bothered to recognize the fallen troops who make our freedom possible. Despite a governmentwide tweet-fest over Pride Month, the departments of Justice and Treasury managed to ignore Memorial Day altogether.

Thanks to social media, Americans are getting a good look at the main obsession of this administration, which has devoted more than 30 posts to LGBT extremism from its official accounts—but couldn’t spare half that attention to the men and women who gave all.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, who was probably too busy promoting abortion as the solution to our tanking economy, failed to mark either occasion. U.S. Attorney General Merrick Garland’s team, on the other hand, showed complete disregard for our military by celebrating pride but overlooking Americans’ ultimate sacrifice.:snip:

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If Amazon Isn’t Woke Enough For LGBTQ Activists, No Company Ever Will Be

On the first day of June, Amazon headquarters in Seattle hosted its annual LGBTQ Pride celebration, only to be interrupted by transgender employees protesting the company’s “transphobic” policies. If that takes a moment to process, you’re not alone.

Amazon was one of the first major companies to include transgender medical services in its health plan. Currently, the company covers full transition services and a wide range of elective and cosmetic surgery coverage for transgender employees, including rhinoplasty, liposuction, multiple facial reconstruction and adjustment procedures, and even a facelift.:snip:

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29 minutes ago, Geee said:

If Amazon Isn’t Woke Enough For LGBTQ Activists, No Company Ever Will Be

On the first day of June, Amazon headquarters in Seattle hosted its annual LGBTQ Pride celebration, only to be interrupted by transgender employees protesting the company’s “transphobic” policies. If that takes a moment to process, you’re not alone.

Amazon was one of the first major companies to include transgender medical services in its health plan. Currently, the company covers full transition services and a wide range of elective and cosmetic surgery coverage for transgender employees, including rhinoplasty, liposuction, multiple facial reconstruction and adjustment procedures, and even a facelift.:snip:


I have to ask the question, When did these transgender employees discover they were transgender (were I a suspicious person I might think fairly recently)? I would also be interested i just how many there are 2-5-200? 

Being Transgender


The latest Bright Shiny Thing.


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