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Memorial Day weekend with Omar & Ellison


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Power Line

Scott Johnson

May 27 2022

The category of vile Democrats is a large one and the competition for most vile is stiff. As a Minnesotan, I would nominate Fifth District Rep. Ilhan Omar and Attorney General Keith Ellison for the honor.

I have been writing about them for about as long as they have been running for office — since 2016 in Omar’s case, since 2006 in Ellison’s case (running for Congress, Ellison was a state senator at the time I tuned in). I think I am something of an expert on both of them, but most of all I am an expert on what it feels like to beat your head against the wall for years at a time.

Now comes Dexter Van Zile, the managing editor of Focus on Western Islam, to report:


U.S. Rep. Ilhan Omar and Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison are scheduled to attend a conference in Baltimore this weekend featuring talks by Islamists who have declared Western society to be “filth,” sanctioned sex slavery, called on Muslims to hate homosexuals and to support jihad in countries throughout the world.

The two Minnesota Democrats are slated to speak at a convention taking place over Memorial Day Weekend organized by the Islamic Circle of North America (ICNA) and the Muslim American Society (MAS). ICNA is a franchise of Jamaat-e-Islami (JI), a radical, theocratic group that has supported terrorism in South Asia. One of JI’s prominent leaders, Motiur Rahman Nizami, was convicted and executed for his role in the mass murder of civilians during Bangladesh’s 1971 war for independence.

MAS was founded in the early 1990s by members of the Muslim Brotherhood, an organization committed to promoting sharia law in the Middle East and Western democracies.


Van Zile concludes his current report:


Ellison and Omar’s scheduled appearance at the ICNA-MAS convention in Baltimore will not be the first time prominent Minnesota politicians have legitimized Islamist-organized events with their presence. In early March 2022, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz attended an online “Muslim Day at the Capitol” organized by the Minnesota Chapter of the Muslim American Society (MAS-MN). Lieutenant Governor Peggy Flanagan and Speaker of the House Melissa Hortman also attended the online event.

Neither Ellison nor Omar responded to email and phone queries about their planned appearance at the convention.

It’s a perfect way for Ellison and Omar to spend this Memorial Day Weekend.


The Emerging Red-Green Alliance: Where Political Islam Meets the Radical Left

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