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World Health Organization “Global Pandemic Treaty” Includes Plan For Mandatory, Universal Digital Passport and ID System


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Gateway Pundit

This week, global elitists and world leaders from across the West are gathered in Davos, Switzerland for the WHO’s annual World Health Assembly.

While convened, attendees from all 194 WHO member countries are set to vote on major amendments to the International Health Regulations that would effectively strip all power away from sovereign countries and turn it over to the WHO’s global health board in the event of a pandemic.

If the ratifications are agreed to this week, the WHO would also be granted sole authority over what constitutes a pandemic. And, as we have seen over the past two years, just about anything qualifies as an ‘existential threat to public health’ including, but not limited to: misinformation, parents protesting at school boards, free speech, and – of course – racism. The fact that the WHO is on the cusp of unrestricted authority to decide these measures should terrify every American.:snip:

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When you consider the fact that the Biden Regime purposefully hid the proposed amendments to the Treaty when it was submitted in January (therefore, skipping the democratic process) – and only made the proposal public months later (just before the WHO assembly), we are way beyond an impeachable offense. This is borderline treason.


Sounds good, They have A little problem. It's called The United States Constitution.

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