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Americans Shouldn't Be Afraid To Speak The TRUTH: NC Lt. Gov. Mark Robinson Gets Candid (Has he ever been NOT Candid?)


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Andrew Klavan

May 21 2022

Conservative firebrand and Lieutenant Governor of North Carolina, Mark Robinson, joins us to discuss what he is doing in his state to advance the cause of liberty and fight back against the woke agenda, and how Americans need to stand up against those who seek to silence conservative voices, and unapologetically speak the truth.

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Robinson promoted his persona as a "brash and unfiltered conservative culture warrior".[17] He opposes abortion,[18] promotes climate change denial,[19] and opposes the legalization of recreational marijuana.[20]

Robinson's past anti-Semitic comments have drawn scrutiny and condemnation.[17][21] He claimed that the Marvel movie Black Panther was "created by an agnostic Jew and put to film by satanic Marxist" that was "only created to pull the shekels out of your Schvartze pockets" (using a Yiddish word for Black).[22][18] Robinson also appeared at an interview with fringe pastor Sean Moon, who claimed that he planned to become "king of the United States"; in the interview, Moon claimed that the Rothschild family was one of the "four horsemen of the apocalypse" and promoted the anti-Semitic conspiracy theory of a cabal of Jewish "international bankers" who rule every country's central bank. Robinson endorsed Moon's claim as "exactly right".[21] Robinson's statements, as well as his refusal to apologize or retract them, drew much concern from the leaders of North Carolina's Jewish community.[17]

On his Facebook page, which has more than 100,000 followers, Robinson's posts, which often impugn transgender people, Muslims, former President Barack Obama, and African-Americans who support Democrats, have drawn criticism.[22] Robinson accused people "who support this mass delusion called transgenderism" of seeking "to glorify Satan".[22] Robinson called former President Obama "a worthless, anti-American atheist"[22] and posted "birther" memes;[18] accused American Muslims of being "INVADERS" who "refuse to assimilate to our ways while demanding respect they have not earned"; called Michelle Obama a man; and disparaged Joy Behar and Maxine Waters in crude terms.[22] After the 2016 Pulse nightclub shooting, Robinson wrote that "Homosexuality is STILL an abominable sin and I WILL NOT join in 'celebrating gay pride.'"[18] In 2020, Robinson asserted that the coronavirus was a "globalist" conspiracy to defeat Donald Trump, and dismissed the threat of the COVID-19 pandemic, writing, "The looming pandemic I'm most worried about is SOCIALISM."[18]

The Charlotte Observer editorial board described Robinson's posts as "cringeworthy" and "an embarrassment"[23] while the state Democratic Party called them "homophobic, anti-Semitic, and downright unhinged."[21] Robinson's posts were also criticized by Equality North Carolina and Jewish community leaders in North Carolina.[22][24] When asked about the posts, Robinson declined to apologize, referring to his posts as "my personal opinions" and saying "I'm not ashamed of anything that I post."[19][22]



You may detect a "Slight" Bias

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