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Archbishop bars Pelosi from communion over support for abortion rights


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The Hill

Emily Brooks

05/20/22 3:52 PM ET

The Archbishop of San Francisco barred Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) from receiving communion over her support for abortion rights and access.

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone said in a letter to Pelosi on Thursday that he had requested to speak to her after she vowed to codify Roe v. Wade, the landmark abortion rights case, in the wake of Texas banning abortions after six weeks last September.

He had warned Pelosi in an April 7 letter, he said, to either repudiate advocacy for abortion rights or to refrain from referring to her Catholic faith in public or else he would have no choice but to bar her from being admitted communion.

“As you have not publically repudiated your position on abortion, and continue to refer to your Catholic faith in justifying your position and to receive Holy Communion, that time has now come,” Cordileone said in the Thursday letter. “Therefore, in light of my responsibility as the Archbishop of San Francisco to be ‘concerned for all the Christian faithful entrusted to [my] care’ (Code of Canon Law, can. 383, §1), by means of this communication I am hereby notifying you that you are not to present yourself for Holy Communion and, should you do so, you are not to be admitted to Holy Communion, until such time as you publically repudiate your advocacy for the legitimacy of abortion and confess and receive absolution of this grave sin in the sacrament of Penance.”



About Time!

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May 20 2022

Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone announced today that House Speaker Nancy Pelosi should not be admitted to Holy Communion in her Archdiocese of San Francisco, nor should she present herself to receive the Eucharist, until she publicly renounces her support for abortion. In a letter to lay Catholics, the archbishop wrote in part, "After numerous attempts to speak with her to help her understand the grave evil she is perpetrating, the scandal she is causing, and the danger to her own soul she is risking, I have determined that the point has come in which I must make a public declaration that she is not to be admitted to Holy Communion. Unless and until she publicly repudiates her support for abortion rights and confess and receive absolution for her cooperation in this evil in the sacrament of penance.

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May 26 2022

MOST REV. SALVATORE CORDILEONE, Archbishop of San Francisco discusses his decision to bar House Speaker Nancy Pelosi from Holy Communion for her public support for and promotion of abortion.

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