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A Chink in Big Tech's Armor


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Real Clear Policy

Late last week, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals proved a common sense but rarely actionable premise: the Big Tech companies, despite their claims to the contrary, do not have a divine right to rule in America. The laws — and the democratically elected lawmakers who write them – get first consideration.

Big Tech has run straight into a Texas-shaped brick wall in the form of a law passed by the state legislature last year aimed at preventing social media censorship of users for their viewpoints. The 5th Circuit hasn’t made a final ruling on the merits of the law, but has allowed the law to go into effect while the legal process moves forward.

The Texas’ law, HB 20, reaffirms a basic American legal principle. While Big Tech foams and froths about how they are “private businesses” who get to do “whatever they want under the First Amendment,” the reality of our laws is that some companies, given their scale and the role they play in facilitating access to speech and commerce, cannot. Phone companies, airlines, restaurants, schools, and hotels, among other types of business, are legally required to treat all people equally whether they are white or black, Christian or Muslim, Democrat or Republican.:snip:

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"We Are A Private Business"

Thing is is appears to me there Are Private Business's and there are Private Business's, if you know what I mean.  The little store on the corner is run by Muslims, They don't sell pork. Ok fine I go a short distance and there Is a store that sells pork. Big Tech decides they will not support Parler. Where does Paler go? 

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