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NY Post

Special Counsel John Durham’s three-year probe into the FBI and Robert Mueller’s investigations of former President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign will reach a critical moment with Monday’s trial of former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann.

The outcome of the closely watched case in Washington, DC — the first trial to result from Durham’s virtually leak-proof efforts — will be both a test of his work and a potential harbinger of the looming 2024 election, according to observers.

“If Sussmann, one of Hillary Clinton’s top campaign lawyers, is convicted, it will further confirm that Trump is a crime victim,” said Tom Fitton, president of the conservative Judicial Watch activist group.

“I would expect him to continue to say that [the government] illegally spied on him and that Hillary did it. And if Clinton runs, this anti-corruption message is even more likely to be front and center.”

Washington, DC, lawyer Jim Trusty, a former high-ranking Justice Department prosecutor, said that Durham “has a pretty strong case” against Sussmann, who’s charged with a single count of lying to the FBI.

“But you never know if a jury will rebel against [false-statement allegations] that are not accompanied by more serious crimes,” Trusty said.:snip:

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Trial opens for Clinton campaign lawyer accused of lying to FBI while planting Trump-Russia tale

The first trial resulting from Special Counsel John Durham's methodical investigation into the origins of the discredited Trump-Russia collusion narrative opens Monday as 2016 Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann faces justice for allegedly lying to the FBI.


Durham alleges Sussmann lied in September 2016 when he told then-FBI-General-Counsel James Baker that he was not working on behalf of any client while feeding the federal law enforcement agency since-debunked allegations about then-candidate Donald Trump.

Judge Christopher Cooper, appointed to the bench by former President Barack Obama, will preside in the trial in U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. The proceeding begins at 9 a.m. Eastern time.

Sussmann, a former federal prosecutor, told the FBI that the Trump Organization had a secret communications channel with the Kremlin through Russia's Alfa Bank. The FBI, CIA, Trump-Russia Special Counsel Robert Mueller and others have debunked the claim.:snip:

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May 16 2022

Judicial Watch President @TomFitton appeared on “Spicer & Co.” on Newsmax TV to discuss Special Counsel John Durham being blocked from presenting evidence of Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann promoting negative press about former President Trump leading up to the 2016 election and more!

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Sussmann-Durham trial: What you need to know ahead of opening arguments, first day of testimony


WASHINGTON—Opening arguments are set to be presented by both the government and Michael Sussmann’s defense team Tuesday morning in federal court, as the first full day of the first trial out of Special Counsel John Durham’s years-long investigation into the origins of the Trump-Russia probe begins.

The government is set to present its argument first, beginning at 9:00 a.m. at the U.S. District Court for the District of Columbia. Federal prosecutor Deborah Brittain Shaw is set to deliver the opening argument for the government, which is expected to last approximately 20 minutes.


Representing the government are Shaw and federal prosecutors Andrew DeFillippis, Michael Keilty, and Jonathan Edgar Algor IV.

Representing Sussmann are defense attorneys Sean Berkowitz, Michael Bosworth, Catherine Yao, and Natalie Hardwick Rao.

Sussmann is charged with making a false statement to the FBI and has pleaded not guilty.:snip:

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2 hours ago, Geee said:


1. Given where this is being held not allowing them would eliminate 90% of the pool.

2. Why is this outrageous? I mean we are talking Washington DC!

3. Does Jim Assume because someone contributed to Hillary they cannot be unbiased? (Assuming he contributed to Trump) If he were on the jury could he be Unbiased?

4. All that said John Durham has a Real Tough Row To Hoe.

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Lawyer Marc Elias takes center stage in Durham trial

Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter

May 17, 2022

Marc Elias, the top lawyer for Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign, is expected to testify today in special counsel John Durham’s case against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann.

Elias, who last year started the Elias Law Group, was the Clinton campaign's general counsel and hired the opposition research firm Fusion GPS, which hired Christopher Steele in 2016. Elias testified he was aware of Fusion's plans to have Steele brief reporters during the 2016 contest, met with Steele in 2016, and periodically briefed the campaign about the findings from Fusion and Steele. Elias coordinated closely with his former Perkins Coie law firm colleague Sussmann on anti-Trump research in 2016.

Elias’s testimony is expected to follow opening arguments from the prosecution and defense the day after a jury was selected.


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Sussmann-Durham trial: Prosecution says Clinton lawyer used FBI to create an 'October surprise' against Trump

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Special Counsel John Durham’s team in its opening argument Tuesday alleged that former Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann used the FBI as "a political tool" to "manipulate" the bureau on the eve of the 2016 presidential election to create an "October surprise" against then-candidate Donald Trump — a plan that "largely succeeded."

Sussmann is charged with making a false statement to the FBI when he told former FBI General Counsel James Baker in September 2016 — less than two months before the presidential election — that he was not doing work "for any client" when he requested and attended a meeting with Baker where he presented "purported data and ‘white papers’ that allegedly demonstrated a covert communicates channel" between the Trump Organization and Alfa Bank, which has ties to the Kremlin.:snip:

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'A trial about privilege': Durham and Sussmann lawyers clash in opening to trial

The trial against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann kicked into high gear Tuesday morning, as prosecutors for special counsel John Durham accused him of "privilege."

The opening statements by the prosecution and defense Tuesday morning came after the jury was seated the prior evening.

Sussmann was charged with concealing his clients — Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign and “Tech Executive-1,” known to be former Neustar executive Rodney Joffe — from FBI General Counsel James Baker when he presented since-debunked allegations of a secret back channel between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa-Bank during a September 2016 meeting.

Durham prosecutor Brittain Shaw repeatedly said “the evidence will show that this is a trial about privilege” — likely a strategic choice of words since the case will probably be dominated by the Clinton campaign’s assertions of attorney-client privilege over key information.

Shaw said Sussmann was a privileged and high-powered D.C. lawyer who thought he could use his connections to get what he wanted and who believed “he could use the FBI as a political tool.”

She said the “evidence will show that he bypassed normal channels” to meet with Baker and “then sat across from that lawyer and he lied to him” with a falsehood “designed to achieve a political end.” The Durham prosecutor said Sussmann’s goal was to “inject” the FBI into a presidential election.

The prosecutor argued: “No one should be so privileged as to walk into the FBI and lie.”:snip:

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11 hours ago, Valin said:


Juror donations, judge’s family ties at Sussmann trial spotlight DC's liberal leanings

Presiding judge's wife represents former FBI lawyer Lisa Page, whose texts critical of then-presidential candidate Donald Trump led to her departure.

Aaron Kliegman

May 18, 2022

The trial for 2016 Hillary Clinton presidential campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann this week in Washington, D.C., highlights the left-leaning of the nation's capital — with as many as three jurors reportedly having donated to the Clinton campaign.

A fourth juror on the 12-member panel supported New York Democratic Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, according to the New York Post.


Roughly one-third of the potential jurors questioned by prosecutors and defense attorneys in the Washington, D.C. courtroom on Monday said they had said they had either donated to Clinton's campaign, worked the phone banks for her, or did something else to support her candidacy, the Washington Times reported.

Others said they thought they had donated to the Clinton campaign but weren't sure, but none of the avowed Clinton supporters made the final jury, the Times reports.

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Judge says Durham can’t mention Joffe being cut off as FBI source

Jerry Dunleavy, Justice Department Reporter

May 18, 2022

The judge presiding over the case against Democratic cybersecurity lawyer Michael Sussmann instructed special counsel John Durham’s team not to bring up the fact that “Tech Executive-1” Rodney Joffe had been cut off as an FBI source in 2021.

Sussmann has been charged with concealing his two clients, Neustar chief technology officer Joffe and Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, from FBI General Counsel James Baker when he pushed debunked allegations of a secret line of communication between the Trump Organization and Russia’s Alfa-Bank during a September 2016 meeting.

Sussmann attorney Michael Bosworth said of Joffe on Tuesday that it is “our understanding that he was terminated as a source for cause in 2021 as an outgrowth of this investigation.”

He said it “sounds prejudicial” for the prosecution to be able to bring up that fact and said it wanted to “limit discussion of his status as a source to the time relevant to the indictment,” which it said was 2016 to 2018.

Durham prosecutor Andrew DeFilippis argued that “Joffe’s termination as a source really does concern his conduct in 2016.”


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Durham team reveals damning text message from Clinton lawyer Michael Sussmann to FBI

A damning text message shows former Hillary Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann told the FBI’s top lawyer that he just wanted to “help the Bureau” by sharing since-debunked computer data involving Donald Trump and Russia.

The message, revealed in court Wednesday, was sent by Sussmann to then-FBI general counsel James Baker on the night of Sept. 18, 2016, Baker testified at Sussmann’s trial in Washington, DC, federal court.

“Jim — it’s Michael Sussmann. I have something time-sensitive (and sensitive) I need to discuss. Do you have availability for a short meeting tomorrow? I’m coming on my own — not on behalf of a client or company — want to help the Bureau. Thanks,” he wrote in the message displayed in court.

Baker said he agreed to meet with Sussmann at FBI headquarters the next day, when Sussmann handed over information that purportedly showed a secret back channel between a Trump Organization computer server and Russia’s Alfa Bank.:snip:

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Handwritten Notes From 2017 Show FBI Agents Mislead DOJ On The Trump-Russia Investigation


Crucially, public release of the notes came after the five-year statute of limitations had lapsed in March of this year.


Hillary Clinton’s campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann is currently on trial for lying to the FBI about his role in pushing data pertaining to alleged communications between Trump and the Russian Alfa Bank. According to Special Counsel John Durham, Sussmann lied when he brought that data to the FBI’s General Counsel James Baker as part of the Clinton campaign’s efforts to trigger an FBI investigation of her opponent, Donald Trump. Specifically, Sussmann allegedly wrote Baker a text message claiming he was not representing anyone in providing the information when, in fact, he was representing the Clinton campaign.

In a surprising move, Sussmann’s defense team last week disclosed three sets of handwritten Department of Justice (DOJ) notes of a March 6, 2017 meeting between high-ranking DOJ and FBI officials. Durham gave the notes written by DOJ officials Tashina Gauhar, Mary McCord, and Scott Schools to Sussmann’s team as part of Durham’s discovery obligations.

While the notes contain a one-line hearsay suggestion that may cast doubt on Sussmann’s earlier claim that he was not representing anyone, their broader significance lies in what they reveal about the FBI’s strategy in the months leading up to the appointment of Special Counsel Robert Mueller in May 2017.:snip:

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Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook Will Testify in Russia Collusion Hoax Trial


Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is expected to testify Friday in the trial of the 2016 presidential candidate’s attorney, Michael Sussmann, who collected, helped author, and disseminated the fake Donald Trump-Russia Collusion story, which led to investigations, spying on candidate Trump, and the attempted destruction of President Trump’s tenure in office.


Mook presided over Hillary’s 2016 campaign and harbored “a deep sense of responsibility” for her loss to Donald Trump. He chose not to send Clinton to Midwestern states in the Democratic primary because of her negative comparison with Bernie Sanders and her basic unlikeability. In the general election, with Trump flying all over the country and holding massive rallies, Mook again kept Hillary out of Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania for the same reasons. Trump won all of them and won the White House.

But Mook had another powerful secret weapon to propel the unlikeable Hillary to office: a huge disinformation campaign linking Donald Trump and Russia and creating the lie that Trump was a Russian secret agent for Putin. If they couldn’t make Hillary any more appealing, they’d make Donald Trump a traitor to America. Worth a shot, right?:snip:

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12 hours ago, Geee said:

Hillary Clinton Campaign Manager Robby Mook Will Testify in Russia Collusion Hoax Trial


Hillary Clinton campaign manager Robby Mook is expected to testify Friday in the trial of the 2016 presidential candidate’s attorney, Michael Sussmann, who collected, helped author, and disseminated the fake Donald Trump-Russia Collusion story, which led to investigations, spying on candidate Trump, and the attempted destruction of President Trump’s tenure in office.


Hillary’s Hidden Hand: Clinton Okayed Anti-Trump Media Hit Job, Trial Reveals

Chuck Ross 

May 20, 2022

Failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton approved a plan during the 2016 campaign to feed false allegations of Trump-Russia collusion to the media, her campaign manager said Friday.

Testifying to a federal court in the trial of Clinton campaign lawyer Michael Sussmann, Robby Mook noted that Clinton signed off on a scheme to send journalists data about possible links between Donald Trump and Russia's Alfa Bank. The effort was successful, as a news outlet just days before the election published a story that alleged covert connections between Trump and the bank. The allegation has since been debunked, with the FBI finding there was not a nefarious link between Trump and Alfa Bank.

Mook's testimony is the first confirmation that Clinton was involved in the decision to give the Trump-Alfa Bank story to journalists. Mook said that campaign leaders "weren't totally confident in" the allegations and wanted to share them with reporters to investigate further. Mook said he discussed the strategy with Clinton, who okayed the plan.


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