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Tim Scott confronts Janet Yellen for saying abortion boosts economy: 'Harsh'


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The Washington Examiner

Zachary Halaschak, Economics Reporter

May 10, 2022

Sen. Tim Scott (R-SC) criticized Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen for testifying that abortion benefits the economy.

Yellen, testifying before the Senate Banking Committee on Tuesday, provoked the reaction from Scott by commenting on the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that is now expected to be struck down by the Supreme Court, saying the ruling legalizing abortion nationwide boosted women's workforce participation.

“Just for clarity’s sake, did you say that ending the life of a child is good for the labor force participation rate?” Scott asked.

Scott, who was raised by a single mother, said that while people can disagree on the issue of abortion rights, framing it in the perspective of labor force participation and economic considerations “just feels callused” and “harsh.”


Yellen said she didn't mean to be harsh when discussing the effects of abortion on the economic system but said she was discussing the ability of women to regulate their “reproductive situation” in ways that enable them to plan their lives and seek fulfillment.




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Treasury secretary warns of ‘damaging’ economic effects of limiting abortion

Aris Folley


Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Tuesday warned of the potentially damaging effects that curtailing abortion access could have on the country’s economy, as tensions mount nationwide over a recently leaked draft Supreme Court opinion repealing Roe v. Wade.

“I believe that eliminating the right of women to make decisions about when and whether to have children would have very damaging effects on the economy and would set women back decades,” Yellen said in testimony before the Senate Committee on Banking, Housing and Urban Affairs.



Well it must be admitted poisoning, chopping up unborn humans then sell the body parts has been Very Good Business For Planned Parenthood. 

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