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The Left’s Mother’s Day Spectacle


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Power Line

Steven Hayward

May 7 2022

On the Ricochet podcast yesterday, I observed that for certain pro-abortion fanatics, it is not sufficient to defend a “woman’s right to choose” on the grounds that it is a sad and tragic necessity under some circumstances—a view that likely commands majority respect if not support. Rather, like the Southern slaveholders before the Civil War, the most radical leftist elements celebrate abortion as a positive good. You can even get t-shirts expressing pride in having had an abortion.

Which led to my analysis that the political fallout for the upcoming election may depend on which side of the debate commits the most unforced errors. Todd Akin likely cost himself a Senate seat in Missouri in 2012 with his poorly phrased comments on abortion in cases of rape. But I suspect heading into November it is more likely Democrats will commit more unforced errors with their abortion absolutism, which is not favored by a majority of Americans. I predicted that Democrats were likely to go into “full Wellstone funeral mode,” if you remember that grotesque incident.

Looks like we might not have to wait long:

Should Catholics worry about abortion protests disrupting Mother’s Day Mass?





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Liberals Are Evil

John Hinderaker

May 7, 2022

Like most conservatives, I used to think that most liberals are nice people who are misguided because they haven’t studied economics, don’t know anything about history or foreign policy, and so on. I no longer believe that to be the case. I don’t think it is possible to observe today’s liberalism without concluding that it is largely demonic.

For today’s case in point, observe this demonstration of pro-baby killers in front of Chief Justice John Roberts’ home:

These people are not nice, but ill-informed. They are evil. Anyone who says that abortion “saves lives” is, best case, deeply disturbed. Their protest also violates federal law and, if Roberts lives in Virginia, state law. (I haven’t followed the libs’ vicious doxxing posts to see where each Supreme Court justice resides.)

I believe there are January 6 election integrity protesters who have been imprisoned for well over a year despite, in many cases, doing nothing whatsoever wrong. How about these pro-abortion libs? Their mission is more sinister and their methods are more plainly illegal, since many and likely most of the January 6 protesters entered the Capitol at the invitation of Capitol Police.



18 USC 1507 - Whoever, with the intent of interfering with, obstructing, or impeding the administration of justice, or with the intent of influencing any judge, juror, witness, or court officer, in the discharge of his duty, pickets or parades in or near a building housing a court of the United States, or in or near a building or residence occupied or used by such judge, juror, witness, or court officer, or with such intent uses any sound-truck or similar device or resorts to any other demonstration in or near any such building or residence, shall be fined under this title or imprisoned not more than one year, or both


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The Right to Poison, Chop Up an Unborn Human then Sell The Body Parts?  That is what they are protesting for.

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Left-wing militants torch pro-life organization office with Molotov Cocktails

BREAKING: Somebody vandalized and allegedly threw Molotov cocktails into Wisconsin Family Action’s — an anti-abortion rights group — Madison office, writing w/ graffiti, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”




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25 minutes ago, Valin said:

Left-wing militants torch pro-life organization office with Molotov Cocktails

BREAKING: Somebody vandalized and allegedly threw Molotov cocktails into Wisconsin Family Action’s — an anti-abortion rights group — Madison office, writing w/ graffiti, “If abortions aren’t safe, then you aren’t either.”





The Daily Caller

‘Christian Extremism’ And ‘Terrorists’: MSNBC Goes Hard Against Pro-Life Movement

Kay Smythe

May 08, 2022

President and CEO of Whole Woman’s Health, Amy Hagstrom Miller, told MSNBC’s “Cross Connection” host Tiffany Cross that “Christian extremism” is at the core of the anti-abortion movement Saturday.

Cross started the Saturday segment by stating that another panelist, Co-Founder and Executive Director of SHERo MS, Michelle Colon, referred to anti-abortion advocates as “terrorists,” in a clip posted to Twitter. Cross agreed with Colon’s sentiment, arguing that pro-life activists and supporters achieve their goals “through violence.”



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May 9 2022

The left spent Mother's Day advocating for the killing of the children that makes them mothers (and fathers). Shapiro weighs in.

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May 11 2022

Pro-lifers are still cautiously hopeful that the Supreme Court will overturn Roe v Wade. Politico reports that the draft opinion that was leaked last week is still the draft being circulated among the justices and that no votes have changed. Director of Right to Life of East Texas and founder of Sanctuary Cities for the Unborn, Mark Lee Dickson, joins to tell us what he has seen and experienced outside of the US Supreme Court. He explains what happened when a pro-abortion protestor physically attacked him. Lee Dickson shares where he sees all this going as we await the final decision of the Supreme Court.

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