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George Soros, Clinton and Obama staffers and European governments are behind anti-Musk campaign to force big corporations to boycott Twitter - after Elon demanded to know 'who funds these organizations?'


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Daily Mail
  • A group of 26 activist organizations and NGOs signed a letter to companies who advertise on Twitter, warning them to reconsider if Elon Musk makes changes
  • Musk has pledged to lift the 'censorship' of Twitter: critics worry that he will give free rein to those trafficking in hate speech and dangerous scientific theories
  • The letter writers said that Musk 'will further toxify our information ecosystem and be a direct threat to public safety'
  • They wrote: 'Twitter risks becoming a cesspool of misinformation, with your brand attached'
  • Musk replied, wanting to know who was behind the 26 groups signing the letter, and commenting: 'Sunlight is the best disinfectant' :snip:
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Where Was the Lefty Outrage When Jeff Bezos Bought WaPo?

We have now had over a week to process the news about Elon Musk buying Twitter and, to the surprise of no one, the leftist response has been over the top of over the top. Dire warnings about the perils of a billionaire owning a major media platform flowed like water over Niagra falls. My thoughts immediately went to the Jeff Bezos purchase of The Washington Post and the notable lack of caterwauling from the left about that.:snip:


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