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Tucker Carlson: Long story short


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Power Line

Scott Johnson

May 2 2022

Tucker Carlson must be the most important populist conservative in the United States. I infer his importance from the three-part New York Times series on Tucker by Nicholas Confessore assisted by the usual cast of thousands. Reporting for part 1, for example, was contributed by Larry Buchanan, Weiyi Cai, Ben Decker, Barbara Harvey, Candice Reed, Michael D. Shear and Karen Yourish. Julie Tate contributed research.

The Times has pulled out all the stops to make Tucker appear a repulsive character in the eyes of Times readers. They must be quite confident that Times readers have never seen his show,

Part 1 runs nearly 9,000 words. Part 2 runs some 9,000 words. Part 3 seems to be a collection of audio clips. The series amounts to a lot of verbiage in which up is down and white is black.

The verbiage is subject to a brief summary that you might guess without even peeking. Tucker is raycis. He presides over what “may be the most racist show in the history of cable news.” But of course.


Well, as the kids say — LOL. And that seems to be Tucker’s reaction as well.

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Inside the Apocalyptic Worldview of 'Tucker Carlson Tonight'

Karen Yourish, Weiyi Cai and Larry Buchanan

Sun, May 1, 2022, 9:21 AM

Night after night, the host of the most watched show in prime-time cable news uses a simple narrative to instill fear in his viewers: “They” want to control and then destroy “you.”

A New York Times analysis of 1,150 episodes reveals how Tucker Carlson pushes extremist ideas and conspiracy theories into millions of households, five nights a week. He’s done so since the beginning, but the show has gotten darker. Carlson, 52, has one of the largest megaphones in all of cable television. When President Donald Trump left office, Carlson filled the void on the right. Here’s how the show works.

When you enter Carlson’s world each night, you are among his 3 million-plus viewers — and part of a Fox News audience that is 92% white and overwhelmingly older, according to Nielsen data. They are the “ruling class.” They threaten everything you believe in.


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The New York Times traced Tucker Carlson's ancestors all the way back to 1850 and assigned 9 reporters to watch every episode of his show in order to smear him as a racist but couldn't even be bothered to ask Hunter Biden if he ever forgot his laptop at a repair shop


Gov. Ron DeSantis spox Christina Pushaw thinks Tucker — and rightfully so — should consider this a “badge of honor”:

In 2022, being the subject of a hit piece in the New York Times or Washington Post is a badge of honor.


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