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DHS Sec Mayorkas announces Orwellian 'Disinformation Governance Board' with a leader that dismissed Hunter’s laptop as disinformation


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American Thinker

What could better epitomize the dystopian nature of a governmental organ called the  “Disinformation Governance Board” than putting it under the command of a bureaucrat who questioned the validity of Hunter Biden's laptop, calling it “a Trump campaign product,” and who served as an advisor to the corrupt Ukrainian regime?

Bradford Betz reports for Fox News:

Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas testified Wednesday that the Department of Homeland Security is creating a "Disinformation Governance Board" to combat misinformation ahead of the 2022 midterms. (snip)

Hours later, Politico reported that Nina Jankowicz, who previously served as a disinformation fellow at the Wilson Center, will head the board as executive director. :snip:

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Nina Jankowicz Has Already Turned Biden’s “Disinfo Governance Board” Into A Laughing Stock


President Joe Biden’s newly-created Orwellian Disinformation Governance Board has already become a total laughing stock. As videos of its already embattled chief, Nina Jankowicz, have gone viral showcasing her singing about disinformation to the tune of the “Mary Poppins” song “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious.”:snip:

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Psaki claims DHS disinformation board was set up under Trump, defends Biden’s new censorship czar

White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki pushed back against critics of the woman picked to head up the Disinformation Governance Board that many strongly suspect will be used as a weapon against conservatives, defending Nina Jankowicz as “an expert on online disinformation.”


During Friday’s daily press briefing, Biden’s top flack responded to questions from Fox News White House correspondent Jacqui Heinrich, defending Jankowicz’s qualifications to lead what many are referring to as an Orwellian “ministry of information” while claiming that the Department of Homeland Security’s information policing unit was set up during the Trump administration.

After rattling off a list of her qualifications, Psaki said “any hiring decisions are up to the Department of Homeland Security but this is a person with extensive qualifications,” shielding her boss from responsibility for the appointment that has serious implications in terms of the future of political speech in America.

“What I will tell you about the board and what the board is doing, this is a continuation of work that began at the Department of Homeland Security in 2020, under former President Trump,” she said.

“For anyone who’s critical of it, I didn’t hear them being critical of the work under the former president, which is interesting to note contextually,” Psaki later added.


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Free speech concerns mount over DHS 'disinformation' board as lawmakers, critics weigh in


Sen. Tom Cotton, R-Ark., was quick to condemn this latest action by the Biden administration, promising to introduce legislation to defund the new disinformation board.

"The Federal Government has no business creating a Ministry of Truth. The Department of Homeland Security's "Disinformation Board" is unconstitutional and unamerican, and I'll be introducing a bill to defund it," he tweeted Friday.

Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., similarly tweeted, "Nothing else we are working on will matter if we don’t put an end to the Biden’s Ministry of Truth." And Sen. Cynthia Lummis, R-Wyo., stated, "I trust the common sense of the American people. A government arbiter of 'truth' department is a [red flag] for free thinking people."

Sen. Rick Scott, R-Fla., plans to ask Mayorkas more about the board in a hearing next week before the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee.

Oversight Committee Ranking Member Rep. James Comer, R-Ky., organized a letter Friday to Mayorkas, obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital, to "conduct oversight" on the new board and "continued efforts within the Biden Administration to suppress free speech and discredit legitimate criticism as misinformation." All 19 House Oversight Republicans signed the letter.

"The same party that spent years promoting the Russia collusion hoax, suppressed the Hunter Biden laptop story, & equated parents to terrorists believes it has credibility to control your speech," House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., tweeted on Friday. "Biden must immediately abandon his plan to create an Orwellian Ministry of Truth.":snip:

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The last people anyone should trust to tell or determine the truth are journalists and government officials


The Biden administration, DHS and most of the media pretend that they are the ones who should determine what is and what isn’t disinformation. They basically want to silence anyone who disagrees with what they say. Social media oligarchs have been especially egregious in silencing anyone who disagrees with their narrative and agenda.

Ronald Reagan said it best with:

“The trouble with our Liberal friends is not that they're ignorant; it's just that they know so much that isn't so.”

There are many examples of where the media colluded with the Democrats to intentionally spread misinformation to the public. Here is a small sample:

Democrats in Congress have repeatedly challenged elections where they lost yet they weren’t called treasonous, weren’t said to be against democracy, where we didn’t have endless hearings, and they weren’t silenced.


Obama, Biden, Pelosi, and others repeatedly lied to the public about Obamacare, but the media not only didn’t silence them, but they also supported them.

Obama and Hillary concocted a lie about Benghazi, as Americans were killed, and the media never silenced them.

The Obama administration used the media to spread lies to get support for the Iran deal, yet the media never silenced them. Most of the media still supports the deal that enriched Iran, which continues to spread terrorism and pledge death to America.:snip:

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April 30th, 2022. Special Brief: The History of Fake News.

It’s April 30th. You’re listening to a special edition of the President’s Daily Brief. Your morning intel starts now.

"Fake news" isn't new. We have had biased, leaning, and flat-out misleading news for a very long time. From William Randolph Heart and Joseph Pulitzer to the 2016 Presidential Election, this special brief takes a look at the history of fake news. Also, a suggestion on how to combat the urge to stop reading after the headline,

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