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Environmentalists' goal is climate indoctrination, not education


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Washington Examiner

Shortly after the first Earth Day in 1970, radical environmentalists began making bold and nonsensical predictions about just how long our planet would survive. Harvard biologist George Wald, for example, estimated that “civilization will end within 15 or 30 years unless immediate action is taken against problems facing mankind.” The New York Times editorial board warned that unless we put an end to pollution and started conserving resources, humanity as we knew it would face “possible extinction.” And Denis Hayes, one of the scientists behind the creation of Earth Day, declared that “it is already too late to avoid [a] mass starvation” that would kill millions of people globally within the next several decades.

Fifty-two years later, it’s safe to say that all of these doomsday predictions were wrong — as was the panic that environmentalists stirred up among the public. And yet, it’s still very much present in our education system.

When I was in middle and high school, I remember being told that the ozone layer would be nonexistent by the time I was an adult because of pollution. I also remember being taught that another ice age was coming, if, of course, global warming didn’t destroy the planet first.

Climate change instruction has not gotten any better since then. A deep dive into the Next Generation Science Standards curriculum, which was written by the same organization that wrote the Common Core national standards for the Obama administration and which is used in 13 states and the District of Columbia, reveals that environmentalist propaganda is still alive and well in K-12 classrooms. According to this curriculum, by the end of fifth grade, students are expected to understand that “if Earth’s global main temperature continues to rise, the lives of humans and other organisms will be affected in many different ways.” By the end of eighth grade, they are expected to know that “human activities such as the release of greenhouse gases from burning fossil fuels are major factors in the current rise in Earth’s mean surface temperature (global warming).” And by the end of 12th grade, students are expected to acknowledge that global climate models, which repeatedly have proved about as inaccurate as George Wald’s apocalyptic theory , are vital to understanding “the process of climate change” and “the magnitudes of humans’ impacts.”

Nowhere in this curriculum are teachers told to inform students that the science of climate change is still just a theory or that there are other variables that could contribute to global warming besides manmade pollution. Rather, it teaches climate change as fact, blames human beings for it, and trains students to become active participants in environmental efforts to roll it back. The point is indoctrination, not education.:snip:

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Just In Time For Earth Day!

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* Terrorist.

Breaking: Far-left violent extremist Joseph Mahmoud Dibee has pleaded guilty in federal court in Portland to carrying out bombings. He evaded justice for more than 20 years by destroying evidence & fleeing to Cuba. His comrade Josephine S. Overaker is still wanted.


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